Virginia Ruzici Opens Up About Simona Halep’s Injury and Wild Card Snub

Virginia Ruzici knows perfectly Simona Halep…The former glory of Romanian tennis, winner of Roland-Garros in 1978 and former 9th player in the world, followed her “young“compatriot, and above all friend, for almost 14 years as”manager“. Pour Tennis Actthe one who also acts as a consultant for Eurosport Romaniahas – among other things – returned, on the occasion of Clarins Trophyon the non-attribution of a wild card at Roland-Garros for the former world No. 1, titled Porte d’Auteuil in 2018.

Virginia Ruzici, at the microphone of Tennis Actu at the Clarins Trophy

Simona Halep, as in Miami, felt pain in her knee then retired in the first round of the Clarins Trophy…

Yes, she already had this pain yesterday in training. Even coming here, she felt a slight pain. It was best to stop, protect yourself and hopefully she can start playing again in the coming weeks and be competitive. I thought she was very good today, she dominated the match… It’s a shame.

“We separated but our relationship remains the same, we are very close”

You’ve been by Simona’s side for a long time…

I worked with Simona as a manager for 14 years. We separated at one point but our relationship between us will remain the same, that is to say a relationship where we are very close, friendly. I encourage him with all my heart. Now I no longer play a role with Simona. I live in Paris, Simona arrives in Paris… It’s completely normal that we see each other, that I come to see her train and that I come to see her match (smile).

What will your friendly words be to comfort her?

If I can help her, I will help her as a former player. I too went through some pretty serious injuries, specifically to my knee, so we can just encourage him to do things well, treat himself and never restart a match without having fully recovered. I wish him good luck and continue to hope that you can play at a very good level.

The non-attribution of a wild card at Roland-Garros for Halep: “I regret for Simona, but I understand everyone”

If there is one person who knows Simona Halep it is you… Roland-Garros did not give her a wild card, what is your opinion on this subject?

I think that for Simona above all, it was very hard to realize that Roland-Garros could not give her a wild card. But on the other hand, I put myself in the place of the organizers, in the place of the Federation and I noticed that all the wild cards were given to French women (except two, reciprocity agreement with the Open of Australia and the US Open). I feel sorry for Simona, but I can understand everyone. It will be without hard feelings (laughs). Let’s hope she can play again at Roland Garros.

Maybe Wimbledon will give him a wild card?

Listen, that would be great (laughs)…

2024-05-15 18:10:34
#Tennis #RolandGarros #Ruzici #Halep #deprived #hard


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