Portuali Ancona-Biagio Nazzaro: a minor football only in nominal terms

Being “biagiotto” is certainly not an easy task, years of anonymous championships would lead, if not to giving up, at least to exhausting many fans, reducing their numbers and passion. However, despite everything, they are still there, as they have always been and playing this semi-final of the Promozione Marche championship in the prestigious setting of “Del Conero” in Ancona is a small reward for the enormous sacrifices made in recent years; at the same time and unfortunately, it will also serve to mitigate the disappointment and make the 2-1 defeat with which they will have to leave the match less bitter.

Speaking more closely about the match, in front of around 900 spectators the Portuali Ancona take to the field against Biagio Nazzaro and from the nearby Chiaravalle, almost 400 rossoblù arrive to support the guests, very respectable numbers if we consider that the town in the Marche region has less than 15,000 inhabitants. Having hung up their banners, they begin to support the eleven on the pitch above all with dry chants, as in their style, which echo in the silence of the stadium. Despite the immediate disadvantage, their performance always remains at very high levels. The first half then ends with a clear 2-0 so, when hostilities resume, their performance (also thanks to the truly unbearable heat) is less powerful and then, after the first ten minutes of confusion, they regain their initial enthusiasm when Biagio closes the distance.

Mocking chants against their rivals Osimani and cheerful chants mark the rest of the match, which unfortunately for them has no other ups and downs and ends with a 2-1 defeat, extinguishing the dream of Excellence for the Dockers who fly to the final and can so we still have hope. After the final whistle, the whole team is called to the section and given a heartfelt round of applause to thank them for their efforts this season. My personal game ends for me too, immortalizing images and sensations in categories that are on paper “minor” is a pleasure that is difficult to experience in the social events of major football.

Francesco Fortunato

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2024-05-15 16:45:03
#Portuali #AnconaBiagio #Nazzaro #minor #football #nominal #terms


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