Orléans Loiret Basket Triumphs in First Round of Play-Off Quarter-Finals against Rouen

Orléans Loiret Basket won the first round of the play-off quarter-finals against Rouen, this Wednesday, May 15, 2024, at CO’Met (82-77).

The first match of the ProB play-offs kept all its promises! At the end of an intense duel, Orléans Loiret Basket, with a Stefan Smith XXL (30 points, 33 rating), got the better of Rouen (82-77), during the quarter-final first leg this Wednesday May 15, 2024.

The OLB did not miss its entry into this first play-off match. The Orléanais had placed the hardness cursor very high in the first minutes, like Petit Niang who deployed the right amount of energy in the paint. The Loirétains were able to play quickly and the backs had a blast (10-2, 4th). After capitalizing on this good start (20-11, 8th), Germain Castano’s team relaxed its efforts.

A 9-0 suffered at the start of the second quarter under the leadership of Clarence Nadolny and Michael Brisker and Rouen had already caught up and even took control (25-27, 13th). The Rouennais did not seem to suffer, at this moment, from the injury exit of Akaemji Williams, their leader, after ten minutes of play. The OLB, who committed too many mistakes (19 successful free throws out of 22 in the first half) time for Rouen), remained in contact thanks to Romulad Morency (40-42, 20th).

Acrobat and sniper

Dominated on rebounds and too easily penetrated inside by Eddy Kayouloud, Orléans was in the wrong tempo after returning from the locker room (51-60, 26th). But in the wake of captain Ludovic Negrobar, Orléans reactivated play-off mode, accompanied by a noisy CO’Met, and pulled away (60-60, 29th).

Rouen, who finally found some outside skills thanks to Michael Brisker, continued to lead the race (67-71, 34th). But Stefan Smith had decided otherwise. The Canadian full-back, sometimes an acrobat to finish near the circle, sometimes an elite shooter, improved on the other side of the field all the good Orleans defensive sequences in the fourth quarter to send his team into orbit (80-71, 37th ).

Despite this 13-0 conceded, Rouen did not give up (80-77, 39th). The Loirétains and the public defended in unison during the last minute. Stefan Smith, hero of the evening, sealed the victory with a final transition (82-77).

The return match is scheduled for Sunday in Rouen at 3:30 p.m.

Jérôme Couton-Coudray

2024-05-15 19:57:00
#Quarterfinal #leg #Orléans #Loiret #Basket #huge #Stefan #Smith #snatch #victory #Rouen


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