Ice Hockey World Cup 2024: Austria’s historic final third against top favorite Canada

Ice Hockey Ice Hockey World Championships

1:6 deficit against Canada – Then Austria plays a historic final third

Status: 15.05.2024 | Reading time: 2 minutes

In the fight against relegation, Team Austria delivered a sensational performance against world champions Canada


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In a sensational third period, Austria worked itself into a frenzy and overcame a seemingly hopeless deficit against ice hockey world champions Canada. Shortly before the end, the underdog took the goalkeeper off the ice and was rewarded for his courage.

They drove into the final third break with their heads hanging low. The opponent appeared too dominant and the Austrian national team seemed to have too little chance at the Ice Hockey World Championships in the Czech Republic. Roger Bader’s team was 1:6 behind after two thirds against the top favorites Canada. But in the final section, Austria conjured up a sensational performance on the ice and played probably the best third in their history.

Team Canada, filled with top stars from the NHL, showed their class in the first two thirds. Dylan Cozens, Kaiden Guhle, Byram, Jared McCann, young star Connor Bedard and Pierre-Luc Dubois took a seemingly comfortable 6-1 lead when Benjamin Nissner conceded a goal.

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But with Baumgartner’s second Austrian goal in the 44th minute, everything changed on the ice. Austria started a brilliant final spurt and scored goal after goal. Within just ten minutes they reduced the deficit to one goal.

Equalizer shortly before the end

One minute before the end, with the score at 5:6, Austria put everything on one card and took the goalkeeper off the ice for a sixth skater. The courage was rewarded – Marco Ross scored a sensational equalizer 51 seconds before the end and saved his team into extra time. However, there wasn’t a really happy ending there – Canada’s captain John Tavares scored after just 15 seconds to make it 7:6 and secure his team’s victory. Canada remains unbeaten in the third World Cup game in Prague and leads the preliminary group with eight points.

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However, after the sensational final third, Austria secured their first point win of the World Cup. The point could still be crucial for the team fighting against relegation at the World Cup. On Thursday the team will face Finland, then hosts the Czech Republic, before the decisive games with Norway and Great Britain to stay in the league.


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