F1: Ferrari Unveils Major Updates at Imola for SF-24 EVO

F1: Ferrari arrives at Imola with a big package of updates, which we discussed extensively in the previous days. On the sidelines of the tests Fiorano il prancing Horse studied the data relating to the load in detail, in order to make a first check of the actual functioning of the update. In the first free practice sessions we will complete the temporary validation of the upgrades to understand how to make the most of them. Going to retouch the pressure fields in the area dell’undercut of the SF-24, it is likely that the center of pressure of the car has changed.

Here because the balance of the Modenese car could be different from what was seen in Miami. Overall, the changes made to the all-red F1 are aimed at improving performance in all areas, keeping in mind that, to a certain extent, it should contribute to widening the tuning window of the Ferrari. In all this we cannot forget one fact. Going from subjective to objective judgment is always complicated, especially if the climatic conditions are not the best. For this reason the first judgment on SF-24 EVO will have to take various factors into account.

Enrico Cardile, technical manager of the historic Scuderia Ferrari

The engineers of team Of F1 which is located in Via Abetone Inferiore 4 they know it. Enrico Cardiletechnical director of Ferrari registered Frederic Vasseurhas very clear ideas about the seventh’s approach round seasonal. The target declared to keep concertation high, it shows a low profile. However, from the information collected, we know that expectations for the updates are really high, because the redhead’s desire to fight on equal terms with the Red Bull is present.

F1, Imola: Ferrari has studied a precise mechanical configuration

the Imola circuit F1 it is mainly composed of medium-speed corners, but there is no shortage of very fast corners such as 9-10, and other slow ones such as 7. In the first sector we find the finish straight where it is essential to have a good top speed especially considering the race . In fact, the braking section of Turn 1 offers the first and perhaps only real overtaking point. The chicane that follows is tackled at medium speed, so a good combination is needed between grip coming from aerodynamics and that supplied mechanically.

The second chicane (turns 5-6) has a higher average speed, so the importance of the load on the car increases. In this first section Ferrari he will have to optimize speeds on the main straight. We should see the new rear wing varied from the previous specification in wing-tips. In this the SF-24 EVO they should recover some load points without incurring the increase in resistance, so as to better satisfy the ratio of the equation. Equally fundamental is a reactive front when changing direction so as not to lose speed during load transfer.

entry section of the Ferrari SF-24 bellies – Charles Leclerc testing Fiorano

Although the Red Bull has a certain advantage in this sense, the line changes are not as demanding as on the slopes already visited in this championship F1. Ferrari will rely on high downforce, with the SF-24 who will look for the right mechanical compromise to attack the curbs without getting too upset. An aspect that can only be partially adjusted with setup, because the major role is played by the goodness of the suspensive kinematics. A softer front would be needed, but a compromise must be sought so as not to lose when transferring loads.

The second sector begins with turn 7, a slow hairpin from which the climb towards turn 9 begins. In traction the Ferrari still needs to improve. Red Bull It has a suspension system that allows the use of less rigid elements on average at the rear and consequently gains a lot performance in the exit phases, one of the trend which we are seeing on several cars this year. There SF-24 gains in insertion, while from the apex onwards the RB20 it is more effective. We then arrive at number 9, an area where the red car should find a lot of speed in the center of the corner, given that it is tackled in a very sustained manner and requires a lot of vertical thrust.

You then descend to the complex of curves 11-12-13, which you tackle at around 140km/h, where a good combination between downforce e grip mechanical. The exit is also fundamental in this case, because it is uphill and many precious fractions of a second can be lost. Overall one F1 With much grip lateral is required, keeping in mind the change in slope right in the middle of the bend. In all these chicanes, the positioning of the car is crucial to facilitate the traction phase. Stability is necessary to provide confidence to the rider.

the Monegasque Charles Leclerc (Ferrari SF-24 EVO) tests the updated red at Fiorano

Ferrari will have to try to move the mechanical balance towards the rear, without however breaking it down SF-24. Not an easy task given that at the moment he seems to have a lesser ability to generate grip with the rear axle compared to Red Bull e McLaren that in this fundamental, a Miami, it even seemed superior to the redhead. Just think that overall slow curves in Floridathe F1 color papaya it managed to be really quite effective, much more than what was expected.

You arrive at the third sector of the track which rises around the Santerno river, where there is the last and challenging chicane (turns 14-15) of the track. In this case the average speeds are lowered and a lot of traction is needed from the rear axle again, keeping in mind that from this point a sprint starts which leads to the last two corners of the track. The 17 and 18 are both at 90 degrees, so the balance between the two axes and the capacity of the F1 in putting down all the horses of the power unit.

F1, Imola: Ferrari ready “for the hysteretic exam”

Ferrari it almost always built the lap in the corner entry phases, thanks to the excellent braking stability and the front-end solid. Endemic traits that riders and technicians have decided to make the most of. It will therefore be interesting to understand how and to what extent they will be able to shift the mechanical balance towards the second axis. Considering the limited presence of fast corners, the suspension settings could be softer on average. Furthermore, we must certainly not forget the up-date which in some way could shift, hopefully for the better, the balance of power F1 Italian.

Lastly, a few words on the topic of tyres. I am aware of the recent history on this track without forgetting the expected low temperatures, the front-end he will struggle to warm up and will be the main limitation shared between the teams F1. Being able to activate the front will therefore become a unique opportunity in qualifying. It will be very difficult to find the right one warm up strategy to succeed and generate “friction” on the tire, access the ideal operating temperature and, consequently, have the quantity of grip adequate to access the maximum performance offered by the compounds.

the large air vent present on the head of the Ferrari SF-24 EVO – Fiorano test

If we think about the recent past we will remember the difficulties of Ferrari suffer a Suzuka, where they failed to properly activate the compounds on the flying lap, often remaining far from the ideal temperature where the tires generate optimal grip. Appearance not present a Miami where the mercury was highest. By not hitting the working range, the tire pressures do not reach the values target and the footprint of the mixture on the ground is not the desired one. Il team from Maranello worked a lot on the hysteresis cycle and is ready to put the studies carried out into practice.

Author: Alessandro Arcari – @berrageiz

Images: Scuderia Ferrari – F1Tv


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