Clashes on the motorway between Juventus and Atalanta fans before the Italian Cup final – Football

The final of Italian Cup it started on the A1. While waiting for the kick-off at the Olimpico at 9pm, Juventus and Atalanta fans clashed along the motorway.

Clashes between Juventus and Atalanta fans on the motorway

Two encounters became the cause of accidents along the A1 motorway, both in Tuscany. The first occurred in the Autogrill Arno, in the province of Florence, where the Juventus Vikings, escorted by mobile police units, met with a group of Atalanta fans and insulted each other.

Sassaiola in Arezzo before the Italian Cup final

The second episode was bloodier, which occurred in the San Giovanni rest area where some Viking cars crossed paths with other cars carrying Atalanta fans. The two groups threw rocks and some smoke bombs at each other. The fans were escorted by the digos. Nobody was injured.

2024-05-15 17:33:44
#Clashes #motorway #Juventus #Atalanta #fans #Italian #Cup #final #Football


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