Simon Degrés Reflects on Elven National Tournament Success and Challenges

Elven national tournament

Semi-finalist on Saturday. Finalist on Sunday. Simon Degrés (Saint-Jacques Badminton) had two busy days at Elven. If he did not win, the 24-year-old can console himself by saying that it is a reference of the discipline which was his tormentor during these two days. Beaten (21-16, 21-11) by the Alsatian during the mixed Saturday, where he teamed up with Lily Gautier (AL Briochine), he gave in the next day in doubles alongside Amaury Lièvre, again against the multiple champion from France, this time associated with Léo Van Gysel.

But the two Morbihannais managed to cast doubt on the future winners. At least during a first set won brilliantly (16-21). “We were very solid in defense,” indicated Degrés. We didn’t make any mistakes. » The rest was more difficult with an impressive Kehlhoffner. “From the start of the second, we started making a lot of mistakes,” admitted Lièvre (21). It completely cut us off. They fought a little harder, were more patient. »

“I was not unworthy”

Before this tournament, the two players had never played together competitively. And this, despite a friendship of several years. “I’m from Caden. He is from Saint-Jean-la-Poterie. We know each other very well. It was cool to play with his friend,” added Degrés, who enjoyed coming to Elven. Especially since he was able to compete, at least in sequences, with Kehlhoffner and his partners.

“It’s a great tournament for me. I’m not necessarily used to playing at this level. Erwin (Kehlhoffner), he’s really top level. In the reflexes, the areas that he manages to find, it is always very well placed. He knows what works. It’s hard mentally and physically. But I didn’t do anything wrong so I’m happy. I hope to continue like this,” says Degrés, whose next tournaments will be Châteaugiron and Plérin in the spring.

2024-03-04 16:46:45
#Badminton #defeats #Simon #Degrés #good #weekend


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