Karine Le Marchand’s Daughter Alya Arrested for Cannabis Possession

Karine Le Marchand has a daughter named Alya. The 21-year-old young woman was taken into police custody after being arrested in the 16th arrondissement of Paris on Tuesday morning following a roadside check which turned out to be positive for cannabis.

Karine Le Marchand must not be delighted with this news. Actu 17 reveals this Wednesday March 6, 2024 that the only daughter of the 55-year-old TV host named Alya was taken into police custody yesterday.

Tuesday March 5, while driving in the streets of the 16th arrondissement of Paris, the 21-year-old young woman was arrested during a traffic stop on the Chaussée de la Muette around 11 a.m. The police officers who arrested the young driver carried out a THC saliva test to detect the presence of cannabis turned out to be positive and the young woman was arrested“, said Actu 17.

Following this arrest and the positive test for cannabis, Karine Le Marchand’s daughter was taken to the police station in the 16th arrondissement of Paris where she was placed in police custody. She spent the night there. “Analyzes were launched to confirm that the young woman had indeed consumed cannabis at the time of her arrest“, also informed a source close to the matter to Actu 17. Contacted by our colleagues this Wednesday morning, the Paris prosecutor’s office did not wish to provide more information.

Actu 17 specifies, relying on this same source, that this is not the first time that Alya finds herself in this type of affair since she is “already known to the police for acts of driving under the influence…

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2024-03-07 03:35:21
#daughter #Alya #years #police #custody


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