Judo Competition Success: JJEL Hosts Event with 188 Judokas in Escalquens

Judo jujitsu Escalquens Labège (JJEL) organized a friendly judo competition at the Alice Milliat gymnasium in Escalquens. From babies to juniors, there were one hundred and eighty-eight judokas, very motivated, to compete with heart in fights where everyone wanted to show their know-how. The success of this day is due to the effective help of all the volunteers who, from the warm-up to the refereeing, knew how to preserve the friendly spirit of the event and the spirit of the club. “The judo classes are organized so that the youngest, from three years old, and the older ones find what they’re looking for. For the youngest, one class per week to allow them to understand the basics of judo as well as the moral code. From mini-chicks, there is the possibility of coming to two lessons per week to be able to progress at your own pace,” explains president Sébastien Deporté. At the end of the event, organizers, volunteers, young judokas and the public were delighted with their day. All the children were happy to leave with a medal, including the babies. In the points classification of the day, Judo jujitsu Escalquens Labège ranked first ahead of Avenir judo 31 from Toulouse, Les ours judo from Grisolles, JC from Quint-Fonsegrives, ASC Fourquevaux judo, JC Villefranche from Lauragais and JC from Montgiscard.

2024-03-13 15:11:31
#Escalquens #judokas #tatamis


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