Villa Miter Resumes March in the Argentine Basketball League

La Nueva journalist since 1995, specialized in rugby and basketball; with collaborations in almost all sections of the editorial team (local, police, regional, Ritmo Joven, Nueva magazine, Espectáculos)

Villa Miter resumed its march in the Southern Conference of the Argentine Basketball League with another victory as a visitor.

This Saturday he defeated Ciclista Juninense (Junín) by 83 to 70, to add his second victory in a row, since he had also won as a guest in the last one in 2023.

The match was played at the Coliseo del Boulevard stadium, where the scores were all in favor of the Bahian representative by 16-25, 31-44 and 57-66.

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Center Franco Pennacchiotti (19 points) and guard Federico Harina (17) were the Tricolor’s top scorers, in what was also a great night for point guard Jano Martínez (12 points and 11 assists).

In addition, there was the debut of forward Gianmarco Reale, who occupies a U23 record.

Álvaro Chervo (Villa Miter) plays in the center of Caden Ebeling.

Villa Miter laid the foundations for what was a victory from start to finish from the first seconds, when they distanced themselves 8-2 with Álvaro Chervo’s leading role with the 3-point shot (3 hits in 5 attempts in the opening quarter), for a maximum 22-12 with a bomb from the forward with 1m55s left.

Jano Martínez was very lucid to lead, whether playing quick exits or assisting with a long pass, a constant in the match and as a result of the freedom he had to generate offense.

But despite Chervo’s triples, it was an erratic start for both teams. Cyclist, within his limited resources and numerous losses (16), had the best in the start in the American Caden Ebeling and the Swedish debutant Simon Fransis. Both often attacked or took advantage of the offensive rebound (16 in total for the home team) and from there second opportunities arose.

Aaron Pablo (Cyclist) took advantage of the defensive change and posted up against Jano Martínez.

In the second quarter, Gianmarco Reale debuted in the Tricolor (he entered when 1m05s were played), who in that period went 0-2 in triples. At the same time, Ciclista rose with the goal of Felipe Valsangiácomo, until cutting to 33-28 at the middle of the quarter.

But Villa rose with the entry of Javier Bollo, who revitalized the visiting offense (4-6 in doubles) at a time when Franco Pennacchiotti had left for his third foul and was well contained up front by the rival block defense. He contributed to the Bahia rebound, in addition, Jano’s goal (6) for a run of 11-0 (44-28) in the last 5m.

That forcefulness became more evident from the third, when both Federico Harina and Pennacchiotti showed their offensive capacity. The first with 3-point shots (4-5 in the second half) and the second with specific prominence in that quarter (10 points). The contribution from the bench of Manuel Iglesias (6) was also important.

Basualdo scores between Pennacchiotti (12) and Romero (9).

At first the advantage reached a maximum of 51-33, although Ciclista recomposed his permissive defense by going to press high and grew with points from his foreigners, plus the coupling of Matías Acosta (13 in the ST). Precisely, a player who gave the local team key points to reduce it to 77-68 at 1m34s. for the end.

Immediately, with both teams already feeling the wear and tear from the heat, Harina nailed a triple that cooled the Juninense reaction and put them on the path to victory (80-68, at 1m10s).

That leaves the Bahia representative one place above in the South group (11th) with six wins and seven losses.

The following is the summary of the match (there was no official online statistical sheet):

Cyclist (70): A. Britos, A. Pablo (6), S. Fransis (19), J. Basualdo (8), C. Ebeling (15), fi.; M. Acosta (15), F. Valsangiácomo (5), S. Villa Toro (2) and J. Rianio. Coach, Daniel Jaule.

Villa Miter (83): J. Martinez (12), F. Flour (17), A. Chervo (14), F. Pennacchiotti (19), G. Rosemary (2), f.; J. Bollo (11), M. Churches (6), A. White (2), G. Reale and I. Alem. Coach, Gaston Fernandez.

Rooms: Cyclist, 16-25, 31-44 and 57-66.

Free: Cyclist, 7-11 and Villa Miter, 7-17.

Double: Cyclist, 24-46 and Villa Miter, 26-41

Triples: Cyclist, 5-20 and Villa Miter, 7-17.

Five faults: Acosta (Cyclist).

Referees: Raul Lawrence and Elias Raboy.

Basketball court: Boulevard Coliseum (Cyclist).

Jonatan Basualdo (Cyclist) picks Jano and passes to Alejo Britos.

The tour continues

Today was the first of the tour for the team led by Gastón Fernández.

Next Monday Villa Miter will visit Pergamino Basket, at 9 p.m. at the “Ricardo Dorado Merlo” stadium.

The Pergamino cast fell this Saturday against Deportivo Viedma by 75 to 67 at home.

The tour closes on Wednesday against the leading Racing de Chivilcoy, starting at 10 p.m. at the Grilón Arena in that city.

2024-01-07 02:48:45
#Argentine #League #Villa #Miter #started #year #visitor #victory #Ciclista


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