Judo Club End-of-Year Activities and Achievements for 2023

Here are the last current activities for 2023.

A safari competition took place in Erbach on November 25th and 26th, 2023. Three of our judoka took part with good success. The tested exercises, including a self-developed, free kata with an independent procedure for an examination task in judo, were very good. Rosel Hannan, Finn and Jennifer Lahnstein.

Am 11.12.2023our penultimate day of training Alexander Hannappel its complete Examination for the 7th KYU degree (yellow-white belt) passed with flying colors. Knut Kremer was available as uke.

Am 18.12.2023 Under the expectant eyes of parents and interested parties, the necessary examination tasks of our judoka for the next examination for a higher Kyu degree were tackled. The techniques of the falling exercise and all throwing techniques were successfully completed.

The trainers/examiners Matthias Birk (6th DAN) and Doris Bachmann as well as the department head Christa Stecker were very satisfied with the performances shown.

The successes achieved were rewardedsuitable for Christmas time, with a Christmas party in the athletes’ home with pizza and games. Of course the little Christmas bag wasn’t missing either.

For curious children from the first school year (6 years and older) there is the possibility of a trial training session during our training times. Please login.

Training: every Monday from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m
in the Georg Leber school gymnasium, Obertiefenbach

Further information can be found on our homepage or directly at
Christa Stecker – [email protected] Tel. 06484 / 1497 or
Doris Bachmann     – [email protected]                 Tel. 06484 / 911965

2024-01-03 17:34:27
#judo #department #TuS #Obertiefenbach #wishes #happy #Year #TuS #Obertiefenbach


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