FIFA threatens to exclude Brazil from all competitions

Fifa and Conmebol have sent a letter to the Brazilian Football Federation threatening sanctions after a non-sporting tribunal ruled the removal of the Brazilian Football Federation president and new elections within 30 days

The Fifa threat of exclude the Brazilian national team and all Brazilian clubs from its competitions. Il reason would be the decision by the Court of Justice of Rio de Janeiro to remove Ednaldo Rodrigues from the presidency of the CBF (due to irregularities during his election in 2022) with the resulting elections called within 30 days.

The letter from FIFA

The threat, according to theAP agencywould be contained in one letter sent in these hours by Fifa e Conmebol (the UEFA of South America) to Cbf (the Brazilian Football Federation) and the website of the Spanish newspaper Marca reported some passages from this letter: “The national federations that are part of FIFA must manage their affairs independently and without any influence from third parties. If the CBF were suspended by the competent body of FIFA, it would lose all its membership rights with immediate effect and until the suspension is lifted by FIFA itself. This would also mean that the CBF, the representative teams and all its clubs would no longer be entitled to participate in any competitions during the suspension period.“.

FIFA’s trip to Brazil

The most immediate consequence of a possible suspension would be the ban on Brazil’s participation in the Copa América which will be played in the summer. Both FIFA and Conmebol will be in Brazil at the beginning of Januaryto meet the people involved, review the current situation and work together to find a solution“. Furthermore, the letter insists on the invitation not to make any decisions regarding the Brazilian Football Federation prior to this missionIf this is not complied with, FIFA will have no choice but to refer the matter to its relevant decision-making body for consideration and a decision, which may also include a suspension.“. The same FIFA does not recognize the current interim mandate of José Perdiz.

The José Perdiz replica

“I see this letter as a positive signal – are the declarations of Jose Perdiz report from UOL – but, as established by the Brazilian Justice and confirmed in all instances, including the President of the Superior Court of Justice and the Supreme Court, I must call the elections within the established deadline, with the required transparency and fairness. It is necessary to conduct this transitional phase in strict compliance with the legal framework, with independence and impartiality, in line with the statute of the Football Federation itself and FIFA, with the sole objective of complying with the decision of the Brazilian Court.”


2023-12-25 21:12:05
#FIFA #threatens #exclude #Brazil #competitions


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