Do you remember… Milan Rapaić, the Croatian all dribbling, goals and tricks who made you fall in love with Perugia (where he arrived thanks to his father’s money)

Departure from midfieldtwo opponents missed and a very powerful left foot in seven: if you score a goal like that and you’re called Messi o Ronaldo everyone will remember it for life. If your name is instead Milan Rapaic and you scored that goal with the shirt of Perugia against Cagliari 25 years ago then it’s up to Do you remember fish it out. A true masterpiece, paradoxically remembered much less than another goal that was far less beautiful and the result of his leftyes, but understood as an arm: a slam dunk against the Napoli that incredibly the referee Marcello Nicchi validated. Capable of goals and incredible plays, as long as you don’t get used to it, that football is just fun: this was Milan Rapaić from Nova Gradiska. Not only this, to be honest: born in 1973 he began playing forHajduk coinciding with the bad years of the war, years which however evidently did not harden his soul. In 1996 you already won three Croatian championships and the Croatian market is starting to be looked at with ever greater attention: lots of talent, relatively low prices.

Low but not too much for the volcanic Luciano Gaucci, who brought Perugia back to Serie A and aims to stay there. To note Milan he is the scion Alessandro in truth, CEO at the time: theHajduk However, he is asking too much from Perugia and the deal risks falling through, but at that point AC Milan’s father comes into play and, in order to ensure his son’s future in Serie A, pays the money out of his own pocket. difference between the Perugian offer and the Croatian club’s request. In Perugia Milan finds KocicSerbian goalkeeper: it is feared, given the wounds of the war, one difficult coexistence between the two, who instead become best friends and roommates. He shows up with a few extra kilos at the court of Galleonbut with a particular diet he manages to get back into shape, so much so that he becomes one of the absolute darlings of Perugia for his particular pace, dribbling and beautiful goals: alla Sampdoriato Roma both on the outward and return journey and on the Napoli, by hand. It’s April and the griffins, who have passed from the leadership of Galeone to that of Scala are in the midst of a battle for salvation: Napoli’s Simon goes ahead with Aglietti and on a corner Rapaić literally crushes it behind Cut it. An episode that was clear to everyone except Nicchi, upon his return after months of Suspension due to the absurd expulsion of The known Anderssonwho to try to resolve the issue will ask the person concerned: but Rapaić had already celebrated like crazy before, he will tell the referee “I took it with my chin” and the goal will be validated.

Those points, however, will not be used to save Perugia from relegation. Milan will also remain in Serie B, participating with 5 goals and one rigor scored in the play-off against Torino to the immediate return of the Umbrians to the top flight. The following season will be his best season: the goal Cagliari already mentioned and perhaps the even more beautiful one against the Bolognawith a slalom from the baseline and a left foot to the corner, and another seven beautiful goals in a tandem with Nakata which drove the Umbrian fans crazy.
Even if it seems that one of his performances “indolent” cost the late man his bench Ilario Castagner in the interval, since he was guilty, in the eyes of the volcanic patron Gaucci, of refusing to replace Rapaić himself. Rapaić did so well that season that he was even interested in the Real Madrid: but he loves Perugia and prefers to stay. There is in the splendid season with Mazzone at the helm that sees Perugia finish in tenth place. At that point, however, the sale is inevitable, with the red and white team needing to raise cash: the Fenerbahce offers ten billion lire, and considering that it had cost around 700 million it is an excellent capital gain to be entered in the budget for the club Umbrian.

In Türkiye he did very well, winning the championship with 11 goals to his credit. Less positive, due to problems physiciststhe following season which will end with participation in his first World: the one in Japan and Korea in 2002. Unlucky experience, with the Croatia who will not qualify for the round of 16, but who Rapaić will remember as the only victory there competition bears his signature: precisely against Italy, when at one-to-one a loose ball with a half bicycle kick went into the top corner behind Buffon. He will return to Italy,Anconaresulting one of the least worst in the unfortunate 2003 2004 season: one of the only two victories for the Marches in Serie A, the one against Bologna, sees him protagonist with a brace. She played her last important seasons at the Standard Liègein Belgium, and then ended his career in his homeland at Trogir in 2008 at 35 years old. He started it career entrepreneurialin the energy field, but also remaining in football as consultant and opening an agency scouting. Between dribbling, goals and tricks he remains one of the favorites of Perugia: and Milan, even today, reciprocates.

2023-12-15 07:08:15
#remember.. #Milan #Rapaić #Croatian #dribbling #goals #tricks #fall #love #Perugia #arrived #fathers #money


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