The lesson of the Scaloneta

Politics has often used football, for better and worse. These are very different fields between which certain analogies can be drawn. From football, without a doubt, you can learn many useful things for politics, especially in these moments when politics is kicked, bounced, stepped on, burst through the air as if it were a ball.

This Tuesday in Bolivia, the National Team once again gave a lesson about the importance of strategy and tactics when, instead of being used to hinder, impede, frustrate, they are designed and combined to achieve the common good. When individualities and pettiness are reduced and collective issues are highlighted, the results appear, reaching even beyond the difficult conditions – in this case the altitude of La Paz – in which it may be necessary to perform.

Just as the negative drags, pierces, contaminates, the positive pushes and has an enormous power of attraction on the fans who then begin to believe, to dream, to get excited, to accompany. When this harmony occurs, sponsors who see the business because at the end of the day it is convenient for them also join; and the media, which rightly or wrongly questioned, criticized, hammered, even accompanied with their shaky narratives.

That of the National Team, which started the South American Qualifiers for the 2026 World Cup in the United States, Mexico and Canada in the best way, is a very good example of the path that, in the search for general well-being, the players of the National Team should also take. national policy: that of commitment, agreements, common goals.

The Scaloneta to which we all honor today is teaching us how to overcome the challenges, no matter how tough and difficult they may be: playing well, with solidarity, with values, with the right, intelligent, reflective pause; with the ball on the ground, head up and gaze fixed, decisively, on the future, on our future.

2023-09-13 03:01:00
#lesson #Scaloneta


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