The Troubled Leadership of Ana Gabriela Guevara at Conade: Scandals and Corruption Allegations

The management of Ana Gabriela Guevara in front of the National Commission for Physical Culture and Sport (Conade) It has left much to be desired, especially after the conflicts that have arisen between the different federations and athletes against the director and the government body.

Guevara’s most recent scandal arose after the dissolution of the Mexican Swimming Federation and its similar Archerybut they have been the water sports against which the ex-sprinter has had the main problems.

As far as Guevara’s administration goes, the Conade has received at least 17 lawsuits from athletes who have not received the stipulated support for representing Mexico in different disciplines.

Public opinion is also not satisfied with the work carried out by the Olympic medalist in Athens 2004 and according to a survey carried out by the organization México Elige, the public servant It is considered the most corrupt in the month of August of 2023 in the government of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO).

Guevara leads the survey in a list made up of 45 public officials related to the AMLO government with a 69.3 corruption perception index, where 100 is totally corrupt and 0 is not at all corrupt.

Ana Guevara

The five most corrupt officials of the AMLO government

Ana Gabriela Guevara – Conade: 69.3 Manuel Bartlett – CFE: 60.6 Alejandro Gertz Manero – FGR: 53.4 Hugo López Gatell – Health: 53.4 Luis Crescencio Sandoval – Sedena: 50.0

The scandals of Ana Guevara at the head of the Conade

Throughout the four years of administration, Ana Guevara It has been accused of diversion of resources for delivering awards directly.

In February 2022, the Superior Audit of the Federation ordered Conade to clarify the destination of 377.1 million pesos that could not be justified in the 2020 Public Accounts report. Guevara was also accused by a group of Veracruz investors for attempted murder.

The excavator Paola Espinosa described the management of the former sprinter as the “worst in history” after she withdrew support for athletes from different water sports without apparent justification.

Paola Longoria, a Mexican racquetball player, has also been in a legal dispute for three years over the withdrawal of resources.

In June of this year, federal deputy Maria Elena Pérez-Jaen presented before the Public Function Secretary 56 complaints against the Conade for irregularities in the use of 496 million pesos from the Public Account of 2019 and 2020

Read also Francisco Fernandez
2023-08-25 02:49:22
#Ana #Guevara #heads #dishonorable #list #AMLO #government #casts #doubt #administration


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