Parma Clima’s Last Away Match in Poule Scudetto Group: A Chance to Secure Second Place

Press release 1949 Parma Baseball Club A.S.D.

Poule Scudetto’s last away match for Parma Clima, engaged tomorrow evening at 20.30 on the Grosseto field in the recovery of the match postponed on 30 June due to the bad weather alert issued by the Tuscan region.

The recovery of the match was necessary to define the positions in the Poule Scudetto group in a plot that also involves San Marino and Bologna. At the moment Parma Clima is third with a delay against the opponents but could go back to second position in the event of a win in added time and a defeat by Bologna in one of the last day’s matches against Senago.

A rather remote hypothesis – explains Marcellus Saccardicoach of Parma Clima -. Saturday evening we will sum up and start preparing for the quarter-final round. We will interpret the match in Grosseto as a useful preparation for the debut of August 15th. We will alternate all the available pitchers on the mound, each of them will pitch a maximum of two innings”.

The Parmesan coach will observe a round of stop after the expulsion remedied on Saturday evening against San Marino and the consequent one-day disqualification. The same fate will befall Stefano Desimoni, who is also on foot for a game.

Battioni and Pomponi will also be missing, engaged in the Under 23 national team rally, while we will recover Andrea Pasotto who has resumed training at full speed after recovering from the wrist injury”.

2023-08-03 14:08:21
#Recovery #Grosseto #Parma


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