Rodrigo Palacio Returns to Basketball After Retirement from Soccer

He joined La Nueva Provincia in 1995. He works in the Sports section and was a collaborator in Regionals and Locals of this same medium. He specializes in basketball. He was part of the staff of the magazine Encestando y Zona de Básquet for 10 years. He had experience in the Radial Contrabásquet program, on Radio La Red.

Twitter: @rodriguezefe

Instagram: ferocity_

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Rodrigo Palacio’s love for basketball never left him and, now retired from professional soccer, on his return -visiting Bahia- he took the opportunity, once again, to return precisely to his “first love”.

El Pala played this Tuesday night for the Black Mamba team (made up of former La Falda players) against Basketbeer. It was the first game of the final series, in the Fourth category of the LAB (Amateur Basketball League), played on the Liniers auxiliary field.

They did not reach 34 points! del Pala, to avoid the defeat of his team, by 89 to 82.

His points box was completed with 3-4 in triples, 8-14 in doubles and 9-11 in free.

It is not the first time he has done it, he even once participated in the Maxi League (organized by the ABB), although with great caution considering that he still had a contract with an Italian soccer club.

His wish, he always stated, was to play basketball once he retired from soccer. And he is fulfilling it, now, with 41 years.

Even at the time, during his early days as a footballer, he had to decide which sport to choose.

It was not easy for him. In fact, there is a curiosity: Rodrigo made his debut in the First Division before playing basketball than football

He did it with the orange on September 30, 1997, in the Second Division tournament, with the victory of La Falda against Unión de Río Colorado, by 92 to 80 and football, on April 4, 1999, in the defeat of Bella Vista , against Olympus, 4 to 1.

Finally, he was not mistaken, beyond his good level as a basketball player, which led him to always play in La Falda and, according to the statistics of engineer Roberto Seibane, in Mini, Preinfantiles (15 games, in 1995, averaging 16, 40 points), Children (19, in 1996, with 15.53 ppg.), Cadets (54, in 1997 -18.12 ppg.- and 1998 -28.61 ppg.-) and some Juveniles (eight in 1999 -18.13 ppg and one in 2000 -23 points-).

Of course, once his future as a soccer player has been defined, his long and successful career shows that it was an excellent choice to play for Bella Vista, and then play for Huracán de Tres Arroyos.

In 2002, Roberto Bottino bought his pass to the Bahia club and loaned it to Huracán, where he made his debut on August 25 of that same year where he scored a goal in the 2-0 victory against Juventud Antoniana de Salta.

La Joya played two seasons in the Argentine Second Division in which he totaled 53 games played and 15 goals.

Then he went to big football, more precisely to Banfield – he bought a percentage of his pass – and then to Boca, where he won local and international titles.

His career continued with Genoa, Inter Milan, Bologna, Brescia and, as a finishing touch, the Argentine National Team, including two World Cups, the most resonant being 2014, with participation included in the final against Germany.

After finishing his career as a soccer player, Pala played basketball in the D series (fifth category) in Italy, with the Garegnano 1976 jersey.

Now, with the Black Mamba jersey, he reached the final, after averaging 24 points per game in the semifinal (in two games), which shows that he maintains his talent with his hands, as he had with his feet.

2023-07-19 02:37:30
#Rodrigo #Palacio #played #Bahia #finalist.. #basketball #scored #points


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