Senago Faces Tough Defeat Against Bologna, Looks Ahead to Next Match Against Parma

Senago gives in to Bologna but in the meantime Tecnograniti grows Senago defeated in the triptych that pitted it against strong Bologna which also leads the group. The 18-0 8-0 and 5-1 defeats may seem heavy, but in the meantime the Senaghese group continues to make comforting steps forward in a championship that includes the absolute best of this discipline at a national level.

Baseball, Senago: next opponent, Parma

Luckily in Senago we continue at our best and with the right conviction and for the coach Marzullo the next stop will perhaps be able to give the right help on a mental level: “We notice that from week to week there are comforting steps forward as regards the departments , if we were maybe in another group with less famous teams we could be even further ahead, but this shouldn’t interest us we know that a certain duty had to be paid for a tournament in the
genre and therefore everything remains in the absolute forecasts of the eve. We’ll see you again on July 14 with the matches against Parma…”.
Paul Minora

Series A1 baseball standings: Bologna 750; Parma 667; San Marino 667; Grosseto 333; Senago 83.

2023-06-28 07:07:14
#Senago #baseball #Parma


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