After the departure of PSG, the Camp des Loges will soon see life in pink with the Stade Français

Like nature, sport abhors a vacuum. And the one left by PSG at Camp des Loges is huge. The capital club left its historic Saint-Germain-en-Laye training center last week, occupied for almost 50 years, to join Poissy. Following this departure, “the rugby club Stade Français Paris and the City of Saint-Germain-en-Laye came together to discuss the possibility of setting up the future training center of the Parisian club there”, said indicated the municipality of Yvelines this Tuesday.

“The club’s project revolves around the desire of Stade Français Paris to provide its professional rugby team with a complete performance center, including sports, medical and physical preparation infrastructure necessary for the requirements of the high level” , added the city of Saint-Germain.

“The site of Camp des Loges – in the heart of a city steeped in history and recognized for its relaxed lifestyle, its castle and its national forest – perfectly meets the expectations of the club”, welcomes the city, which evokes an installation of the Stade Français on the Camp des Loges complex “in the summer of 2024”.

The Parisian rugby club, which has just ended its season (4th in the regular phase of the Top 14, eliminated in the play-offs by Racing 92 on Saturday, is currently training at disparate sites, at the Jean-Bouin stadium in Paris or at Saut -du-Loup Dominici stadium in the Bois de Boulogne in particular.

The installation of the Stade Français at the Camp des Loges has been under discussion for some time, since the prospect of the departure of PSG is getting closer. Discussions have intensified in recent days. The departure of PSG will make it possible to speed up visits and better assess the work to be done.

However, the women of PSG remain at Saint-Germain until the end of 2023. And the cost for the Stade Français of this installation has yet to be assessed, before an official signing. The Stade Français is not yet at Saint-Germain, but it is getting closer.


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