PSG, Real Madrid… A track at 160M€ has chosen its next club

Holder of a Master’s degree in international law, I realized at the end of my university course that it was important to evolve in a field that we appreciate. Overnight, I decided to put an end to the dream of my parents, who saw me as a future lawyer, to live from my passion: sport. Since then, I have covered mercatos and sports news, trying to inform readers as well as possible.

PSG knows it, its midfielder is in great difficulty this season. The recruits who arrived during the last summer transfer window did not bring the expected effect. Strengthening this sector should be one of the main priorities of the summer for Luis Campos, who has reportedly sounded out Jude Bellingham. But the Borussia Dortmund player has other plans for his future.

As announced by exclusively, louis fields will be at the head of the next transfer window PSG. The sports adviser of the Parisian club has been confirmed in his position and has started his work. The Portuguese would have surveyed several players, in particular Jude Bellingham, valued at 160M € by the Borussia Dortmund. But according to Bildthe England international will not strengthen the midfield of the PSG next season.

Bellingham ruled in favor of Real Madrid

And for good reason, Bellingham would like to wear the jersey of Real Madrid. « I know people in Germany and they told me from the start that Bellingham’s dream was to play for Real Madrid. When a person wants to play for a club, he wants to play for a club. I insist, because I have been told for a long time that the player wants to go to Real Madrid said the journalist Antonio Guijarro.

“It is clear that they will find an agreement with Borussia Dortmund”

Now the Real Madrid will have to reach an agreement with the Borussia Dortmund. But according to the former journalist of radio brand, the case seems well underway. “ Madrid know this and know that they have a limit: 100 million euros. Plus a few variables. For me it is clear that they will find an agreement with Borussia Dortmund. If the club does the operation and puts the price, I think there will be no problem “he confided during a live with Ramon Alvarez de Mon this Friday morning.


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