Gladbach: Borussia noise escalates! Now Farke shoots back | Sports

The coach strikes back – and how!

After Borussias Bundesliga professional Marvin Friedrich (27) expressed his frustration about his situation, now coach Daniel Farke (46) reacts to the allegations – and shoots back against his central defender.

Friedrich-Zoff escalated!

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Farke talks about the for eleven minutes public criticism of his central defender (BILD reported). First, he downplays Friedrich’s statements (“feel zero point zero trust”): Farke: “I’ve often expressed my appreciation for him. In terms of content, from what he said, it’s not a problem for me. I would have a bigger problem if the players were happy if they didn’t play at the weekend. Even the fact that he says that he doesn’t feel any trust is quite normal. When the coach decides to have other players in the starting XI, the player always has the feeling that the coach doesn’t trust you.”

And then Farke retaliates: “The fact is: for his position we have Ko, Nico, Tony and him, as well as other players who can play in the position. If I look at Marvin’s season, he made 10 games before the winter break, after that he played very little. He was in the squad for 26 games, started ten times and made 16 appearances: that’s not the status of a player who is untouchable and is on every poster! But that’s the record of an important player.”

Farke now even holds statistics against him: “You have to perform. A coach always picks the lads who keep the shop shut and give us points. If you look at the facts: With Marvin from the start we conceded 19 goals, so 1.9 goals conceded per game – without him a lot less. That’s not an accusation against Marvin – but it’s a fact.”

Color on: “I think it’s good that he wants to be untouchable and always wants to play. But then he has to make it clear that we concede fewer goals with him than without him. That’s the only way to make yourself untouchable. It will always be about hard work – and not about launched interviews!”

Farke: “Marvin endowed with a good salary”

A clear criticism of his central defender, who was only allowed to play for two minutes this year! Farke even denies him the justification for his dissatisfaction, saying instead: “It’s normal for the club to see the situation more critically. We gave Marvin a big leap of faith, spent a lot of money and certainly paid him a good salary. He has a privileged life of being a football player at Borussia Monchengladbach. It’s then quite normal for the club to expect him to concede fewer goals when he’s on the pitch. If anyone can be dissatisfied, it’s the club – because they can expect more. Nevertheless, no one responsible for Borussia publicly criticized Marvin.

Farkes statement at the end: “He made his point, leaned out the window. Now it’s his responsibility to deliver in training and in games. That’s a good story. Now he has to perform and everyone is happy.”

It’s hard to believe that Borussia and the defender have a future together. When asked by BILD, Farke says that “the statements about his appreciation do not change anything for him and that he is planning with Friedrich, “as long as he still has a contract.” But the tablecloth finally seems to have been cut. Friedrich also carefully chose the time to draw attention to himself.

Almost absurd: Friedrich was in the starting XI against Frankfurt (6.30 p.m. / Sky) on Saturday evening. Nico Elvedi (26) has problems with his inner ligament and was unable to train today.

So the Zoff could take another turn after the last few days…


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