The photo of the alleged aluxe published by AMLO reaches the US media – El Sol de México

On February 25, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador He published an image on his social networks in which he assured that they had captured an aluxe during the constructions of the Mayan Train in Quintana Roo.

Through his official Twitter account, the president assured that a site engineer had taken the photograph and compared it with another, where it is observed a sculpture in Ek Balam of what looks like an aluxewhich represents a mischievous spirit of the forests according to mayan tradition.

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The image went viral and caused such a stir that now the media in the United States have taken it up again to talk about it on social networks. there were Internet users who denied the president ensuring that That photo was taken in February 2021.

On that occasion, there was talk about the mysterious figure being a witch who had been seen in Nuevo León.

Some media that spoke on the subject were The Washington Post y The New York Times, even the latter He noted that it was the first time he had included the word “aluxe” on his site.

James Corden and Stephen Colbert discuss aluxe

In addition, there were programs in the US such as The Late Late Show de James Corden y The Late Show con Stephen Colbert, who mocked the president’s remarks about the alleged aluxe.

“This is living proof that he is a mythical elf, it can’t be anything else.

“I’ll say it: I’m not even angry, this is exactly what i think politicians should be doing. I don’t want Joe Biden talking about inflation, I want the CIA finding one of these.

“Why report something like this right now, Christmas is over, the Elves are no longer here, at least until Halloween”, Corden said sarcastically.

Later, one of his musicians compared the figure that appears to a jawa from Star Wars

“I think it’s an insult to the Jawas, because I think it’s more of a jawa than anything else“, pointed out the musician.

For his part, Stephen Colbert also laughed at AMLO’s statement and as a joke, showed an edited video of the president, where he supposedly gives a lecture on the aluxe.

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“The sighting of the Elf is the biggest statement about the supernatural that a president has ever made to the world.

“Lopez Obrador assures that the photo was taken three days ago, but hey, he is the president of Mexico, not me. Who am I to judge.

“Is this what elves look like in Mexico? If so, I don’t want to try your demon-flavored cookies,” concluded the driver.


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