‘Maybe it’s just the other way around’

Shakira and Piqué do not rest. More than eight months after announcing their separation, after a twelve-year relationship, the singer from Barranquilla and the former Catalan player are still the “talk” of the entertainment press due to the details of their breakup.

In recent days, it has been echoed that Shakira would soon travel to the United States for her father’s health reasons. And in the midst of that situation, she would take Milan and Sasha, her two children, at once. That decision, assured ‘Informalia’, unleashed the anger of Piqué’s parents.

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And now Jordi Basté, a communicator recognized for being a friend of Piqué, aggravated the controversy, since he implied that The story of the separation of Piqué and Shakira would not be as it has been told up to nowaccording to ‘El Nacional’, from Catalonia.

(You can read: Piqué and Clara Chía get out of control: obscene gesture aggravates the controversy with Shakira).

‘Bombshell’ on Shakira and Piqué

Basté was interviewed in a well-known night program on Iberian television in the last few hours.

There, he was questioned: “Are you ‘team’ Shakira or ‘team’ Piqué?”

“I know Shakira but my friend is Piqué,” he said.

Then he commented: “A funny moment that I have spent with Shakira? Something that I realized, nonsense: she is a professional and after eating she goes to the bathroom to comb her hair because she knows perfectly well that everyone will ask her for photos from where she sits to the door. I have not cooked for them, I have coincided with both maybe 3 or 4 times”records ‘El Nacional’, which then highlights other words by Basté:

“Gerard Piqué has not talked about his separation from Shakira (…) he has become the bad guy in the movie, and until we know all the details we shouldn’t say it. Because in life everything has nuances. And some will surprise. And perhaps it is just the opposite of how it has been explained, especially the one that refers to his personal life“.

(Also: Photos of Clara Chía are filtered before meeting Gerard Piqué).

So far, Piqué has not spoken about the separation from Shakira. Only his reactions to the various supposedly related songs have been recorded.

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