Erik ten Hag sends strong message after historic qualifier, Marko Dmitrović assault shocks Europe

«We can beat anyone»

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In England, we are very happy and we are talking squarely about historic qualification for the Mancunians who are opening a new page in their history! And it is the words of the coach, Erik ten Hag, after the match, which illustrate this best:we can beat anyone», placarde The Daily Telegraph. But as noted by Daily Star, the Red Devils can especially thank their striker Antony. The Brazilian iscame off the bench to deliver a killing blow», Offer victory and qualification to his team, reports the tabloid. For the Daily Express«Antony sinks Barça“, while the Manchester Evening News believes that this time the Brazilian has put “the bar very high» with this decisive goal!

L’hallucinante aggression sur Dmitrović

This European evening will have been spoiled by a dirty gesture, a sorry spectacle on the lawn of the Philips Stadion in Eindhoven. While Sevilla FC qualified despite a 2-0 defeat, Marko Dmitrovic, the Andalusian goalkeeper, was attacked by a Dutch fan. But the enraged fan didn’t go after the right person as the Serbian keeper didn’t hesitate to put him on the ground to subdue him. But for theSports stadiumwe witnessed aheresy in the Holy Land» ! «A strange epilogue with an attempted assault on Dmitrovic as the Dutch team put fear into Sampaoli’s team.This attack also makes daily headlines AD Sports World who attendeda dark evening» with the elimination and the sad image reflected by this surreal scene. For Sports worldJorge Sampaoli’s players have “snatched a difficult place in the round of 16, after an attack on Dmitrovic.In any case, the Serbian goalkeeper will remember this evening for a long time.

To read
Europa League, MU: Erik ten Hag is delighted to have eliminated Barça

Of the “acid goodbyesfor Ramos

We end this press tour in Spain where a legend of La Roja announced his international retirement yesterday. This is Sergio Ramos. If the country’s press pays him a vibrant tribute for his immense career with the selection, crowned by two Euros and a World Cup, this goodbye is done with a crash. Like the placard Brand on its front page this morning, these are “sour farewells» ! «De la Fuente, the coach, informs him that he will not return to the national team and Ramos explodes. “He told me that he does not count and will not count on me, it must not stop because of a question of age”“, dropped the 36-year-old defender on his networks. Same observation for AS who considers it a “bitter goodbye». “I take it with sadness, football is not always fair”added the PSG player who was hoping for another end…

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