The Benefits of Cycling


Besides the obvious benefits of cycling such as weight loss, cardiovascular health, and improving sleep, cycling can also reduce the risks of developing cancer and greenhouse gas emissions.

Exercise boosts mood

Getting outdoors to exercise is a great way to boost your mood and reduce anxiety. It is also a great way to feel good about yourself.

When you cycle you stimulate your brain to release endorphins, which are feel good hormones. These hormones reduce anxiety, improve sleep, and increase your sense of wellbeing.

Cycling also boosts the amount of serotonin in your body. Serotonin is a “happy hormone” that helps keep you feeling good all day long. The cycling craze has become popular for many reasons, one of which is its mental benefits.

Reduces sedentary lifestyle

Getting outdoors and cycling can be a great way to increase your health, boost your mood and help you to burn fat. It can also help you to counteract the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle.

The UK study reportedly showed that cycling for at least 20 minutes a day for eight weeks significantly improved a person’s aerobic fitness. A similar study of women in China found that cycling for at least three and a half hours a week reduced a person’s mortality risk by about 21%.

Reduces greenhouse-gas emissions

Using a bike instead of a car is one of the most effective ways to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions. A recent study by the University of California Davis showed that transportation cycling could reduce CO2 emissions by 10% by 2050.

Professor Gang Liu, who is the lead author of the study, said that bicycles will be key to reducing greenhouse-gas emissions from transportation.

The study involved nearly 2,000 people in seven European cities. Researchers tracked the daily travel behaviour of each person, examining their home location, work location, and their journey purpose. They then performed statistical modelling of these data.

Reduces risk of developing cancer

Several studies have found that regular cycling reduces the risk of developing several types of cancer, including colon cancer and breast cancer. However, the studies have not been able to identify the exact cause of this effect. Observational studies follow people over a number of years and it is not possible to determine the exact cause and effect.

A recent study analyzed data from 264,337 people in the UK Biobank. These people had been followed over five years. The study measured the number of heart attacks and new cases of cancer. People who cycled to work had a lower risk of both heart disease and cancer.

Improves sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep is not only important for your physical health, but also for your mental health. In fact, lack of sleep can be a factor in several chronic diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes. Getting a good night’s sleep can also reduce your risk of accidents, such as car crashes and falls.

One of the most fun and interesting things about cycling is that it helps you to improve your health in a number of ways. Cycling improves your cardiovascular fitness, improves your brain health and reduces your stress levels. Riding a bike also helps you maintain good leg strength, which is a must for many activities in your daily life.
