Important Aspects of Football


Whether you’re a fan of football or not, you can’t avoid the fact that there are several important aspects of the game that you should be aware of. From punts to special teams to offense, there are a lot of things that can help you better understand the game.


During a football game, the team’s offense is responsible for scoring points. The offensive players are backs, wide receivers, and linemen. The offense uses different types of formations to move the ball down the field. There are many different types of offensive plays, each of which has its own specific goals.

The basic Run and Shoot formation consists of a quarterback, running back, and five offensive linemen. The offensive linemen play blocking duties and are the strongest players on the team. The quarterback can fake a handoff to the running back, or can run himself. The quarterback also fakes passing the ball.

A spread option offense runs out of a shotgun formation. The quarterback can call the play, and the quarterback reads the defensive end’s intentions. The quarterback can also throw the ball, depending on the read.

Special teams

During a football game, the special teams play a major part in the outcome. These teams, which field eleven players on the field at one time, can be a major momentum changer. Their role can be so significant that they are responsible for 30% to 35% of the total score. These teams don’t get as much recognition as the offensive units, but they have a significant impact on the outcome of a game.

There are four basic special team plays. These are field goals, punt returns, onside kicks, and extra points. Each of these plays has its own unique characteristics. For instance, the onside kick is a short kick off to the side of the field. It is designed to be recovered quickly by the kicking team, giving the offense two back-to-back scoring attempts.


During the game, there are different types of punts. One is the spiral punt. This is the longest type of punt kick. It makes the ball flight more aerodynamic.

Punts are the most common way to move the ball. They create a large gap between the two teams. They are also a strategic play to give the kicking team a better field position when the possession changes.

Punts are typically measured by the number of yards they travel. These yards are measured from the line of scrimmage to the point of catch. The kicking team can also attempt to grab the ball. If they do not catch the ball, they can try to run with it.

The receiver can also catch a punt. They will get the ball if the punter drops the ball.
