«Four victories a nice brick»


Severini: «Now the standings count relatively, I especially like seeing our continuity in the results

Performance with laurel, for a (almost) master’s degree. First double figure of the season for Giovanni Severini in the match won by S.Bernardo against Fortitudo Agrigento. For those who are used to putting themselves in the spotlight as a defender – a quality that is universally recognized – a day of 15 points cannot be trivial.

And in fact it wasn’t at all: «I’m very satisfied with my performance, because one of my goals is to be able to maintain a certain aggressiveness on an offensive level. I’m working on this aspect, even if it’s not always easy to find space and rhythm in attack in a team like ours, which can boast so many strong scorers».

The day started immediately for Severini – he was the first of the six Canturini to reach 10 points – pushed by an important charge: «There was nothing prepared, this is the attitude I try to have when I go down in the field. I won’t deny that, without Baldi Rossi, I had more minutes available: once I found my rhythm, I also made a substantial contribution in attack».

For Cantù, yesterday meant a solitary first place and fourth consecutive victory: «Now the classification matters relatively, I especially like to see our continuity in the results. Four consecutive victories are a nice building block, it will be important to confirm us on Sunday in Casale before our break».

Sacchetti gave him more minutes, 26 in all, also to make up for absences: «Unfortunately we’re not very lucky, we’re always targeted by some injury or ailment. But we are built to bear the weight of absences. We really hope to recover everyone, because as a whole we are certainly stronger. But those who have played have always honored this shirt in the best possible way, as the results show».

Still in A2, still with the Cantù shirt, Severini is one of the five confirmed. And he has rediscovered the “usual” very tough championship: «In A2 there is nothing to be taken for granted, there are no easy matches. It is not a cliche: for us, the matches against Agrigento and Trapani are valid, in the balance until the end. Everything must be conquered, nobody wins all matches by 20 points».

The impact with the new coach was also positive: «Sacchetti leaves the players a lot of freedom, he asked me to be aggressive even in attack and I’m trying. There are some traits in common with coach Sodini, such as the importance given to running and shooting in the first seconds, but there are also substantial and clearly visible differences in the construction of the game».



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