‘Messi feels much more comfortable,’ notes Marquinhos

One point, that’s it for Marquinhos and his PSG comrades. PEDRO NUNES / REUTERS

The Parisian captain returns to the draw against Benfica (1-1) on Wednesday, in Lisbon, in the Champions League.

Marquinhos (defender and captain of PSG, after 1-1 draw at Benfica) : «We knew there would be ups and downs in this match and how hard it is to play here, in this stadium, with this great atmosphere, and against a Benfica team which is in a good period. They are in this position (co-leader of the group with PSG) because they are really good, they know what to do on the pitch. I also think we had a good first half, with ups and downs. Benfica put us in difficulty but we tried to play our game, to start from behind. We did some good deeds and others that need to be corrected. It’s the little details that make the difference in C1. We felt much better in the second half and we corrected some small mistakes we made in the first half. We had to score that goal which would have given us the victory… We didn’t do it but we had chances, Benfica also had some at the end and we have to be careful because that can decide the fate of a match …

Lionel Messi different from last season? Yes, in what he does on the pitch. After so many years at home (in Barcelona), it’s normal that it takes time, even for great players. Today, he feels much more comfortable, the team is playing well and he is playing in a position that greatly favors his game and his qualities. We have to continue because the season is still long and we know that we will have to be consistent until the end, make good matches, take points as necessary. And I hope Leo Messi will have a great season to the end to help us get this title.“(at the microphone of Canal +)


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