Origins, Goals, and Methods of Judo


Judo is a Japanese martial art. Its name derives from the Japanese word “judo,” which means gentleness. In this article, we’ll look at its Origins, Goals, and Methods. Hopefully, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the art form.

Japanese word for gentleness

The Japanese word for gentleness in Judo, aiki, refers to the principle of going with an opponent’s force and maintaining proper posture. This concept has deep roots in the history of the Japanese martial arts, which began as combat between men.


Kano envisioned judo as a physical and social form of education, which would train people for life. He captured this principle with his maxim jita kyo ei.


Judo’s main goals are to teach a person how to throw and defend themselves with the least amount of force possible. The art emphasizes timing and precision, as well as being gentle and flowing. Its founder, Jigoro Kano, believed that the discipline learned in judo would serve the students well outside the dojo.


Methods of Judo is a pedagogy for learning judo. The principles of judo must be studied carefully to avoid injuring oneself. Judo is not simply a sport, but a way of life that promotes physical and mental well-being. The book examines the principles and pedagogy of Kodokan Judo.


Judo is a martial art that combines a standing and a ground technique. Judo throws are a powerful technique that can hit multiple levels, requiring a two-way grip on the opponent’s lapel or sleeve. The throwing technique is a four-phased event, beginning with off-balancing, body positioning, execution, and coup de grace. The next phase, known as the finishing phase, follows the previous one quickly. If a throw is successful, the combat may continue on the ground, if legal. However, if the combatants lose their balance, the throw is an automatic stoppage, and ground fighting cannot continue.
