World Athletics Championships: Jacobs, Tamberi and the other Azzurri, when they compete and where to see them. Program, schedules and tv

Everything is ready for the start of Athletics World Championships a Eugene. The city of Oregon is preparing to host the world championship that snaps officially Friday 15 July per end Sunday 24 July. Italy shows up for the appointment after having conquered 5 ori last at Olympics in Tokyo. The hottest names in the blue house are undoubtedly Marcell Jacobs e Gianmarco Tamberi called to demonstrate that the 2021 triumph at the Games non was causal. The jumper will open the program on Friday 15 July at 19:10 with the qualifiers. The sprinter, on the other hand, will take to the track on Saturday morning at 3:50 am for the heats. The eventual final will be for the first Tuesday 19 July at 2:45 am, while for the second Sunday 17 July at 4:50 am. Here’s where to see the races and the full program.

Where to see the Eugene World Cup
The Athletics World Cup is available on the channels Rai e Sky. In streaming su RaiPlay e NowTV.

Friday 15 July: the Italians in the race
Tamberi and Fassinotti – men’s high jump qualification: 19.10 Italian

Italy – 4 × 400 mixed batteries: 20.45 Italian

Jockeys – women’s hammer throw qualification: 21.05 Italians

Colombi and Trapletti – women’s walk 20 km: 22.10 Italians

Fantini – eventual qualification B hammer throw women: 22.30 Italians

Fortunato and Picchiottino – men’s walk 20 km: 00.10 Italian

Abdelwahed – heats 3.000 men’s hedges: 02.15 Italian

Bruni and Molinarolo – women’s auction jump qualification: 02.20 Italian

Del Buono, Sabbatini and Vissa – 1,500 women heats: 03.10 Italian

Ali and Jacobs – 100 men heats: 03.50 Italian

Fabbri and Ponzio – men’s shot put qualification: 03.55 Italian

Italy – eventual mixed 4 × 400 final: 04.50 Italian

Saturday 16th July: the Italians in the race
Cestonaro – women’s triple jump qualification: 19.30 Italian

Vallortigara – women’s high jump qualification: 20.10 Italian

Lambrughi – 400 hurdles men heats: 22.20 Italians

Dosso – 100 women heats: 02.10 Italian

Ali and Jacobs – eventual semi-final 100 men: 03.00 Italian

Del Buono, Sabbatini and Vissa – possible semi-final 1,500 women: 04.05 Italians

Ali and Jacobs – eventual final 100 men: 04.50 Italian

Sunday 17 July: the Italians in the race
Re and Scotti – 400 men heats: 20.05 Italians

Jockeys – eventual final hammer throw women: 20.35 Italian

Mangione – 400 women’s heats: 9.00 pm Italian

Bruni and Molinarolo – eventual final auction jump women: 02.25 Italian

Dosso – eventual semifinal 100 women: 02.33 Italian

03.03 Italian time, eventual semi-final 400 hurdles men – Lambrughi

03.27 Italian time, eventual final shot put men – Fabbri and Ponzio

04.50 am Italian, eventual final 100 women – Dosso

Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th July: the Italians in the race
Desalu and Tortu – 200 men heats: 02.05 Italians

Osakue – women’s discus throw qualification: 02.10 Italian

Tamberi and Fassinotti – eventual final high jump men: 02.45 Italian

Kaddari – 200 women’s heats: 03.00 Italian

Cestonaro – eventual final triple jump women: 3.20 Italians

Osakue – qualification B discus throw women: 3.35 Italians

Abdelwahed – eventual final 3.000 men’s steeplechase: 04.20 Italian

Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th July: the Italians in the race
Folorunso, Olivieri and Sartori – 400 hurdles women’s heats: 02.15 Italian

Vallortigara – eventual final high jump women: 02.40 Italian

Kaddari – possible semi-final 200 women: 03.05 Italians

Desalu and Tortu – possible semi-final 200 men: 03.50 Italians

Lambrughi – eventual final 400 hurdles men: 04.50 Italians

Wednesday 20 and Thursday 21 July: the Italians in the race
Tecuceanu – 800 men heats: 02.20 Italian

Folorunso, Olivieri and Sartori – eventual semi-final 400 obstacles women: 03.15 Italian

Osakue – eventual final discus throw women: 3.30 Italians

Mangione – possible semi-final 400 women: 03.45 Italian

Re and Scotti – possible semi-final 400 men: 04.15 Italians

Thursday 21 and Friday 22 July: the Italians in the race
Bellò – 800 women’s heats: 02.10 Italian

Bocchi, Dallavalle and Ihemeje – men’s triple jump qualification: 03.20 Italian

Tecuceanu – eventual semi-final 800 men: 04.00 Italians

Kaddari – eventual final 200 women: 04.35 Italian

Desalu and Tortu – eventual final 200 men: 4.50 Italians

Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd July: the Italians in the race
Italy – 4 × 100 women’s heats: 02.40 Italian

Italy – 4 × 100 men’s heats: 03.05 Italian

Bellò – eventual semi-final 800 women: 03.35 Italian

Mangione – eventual final 400 women: 04.15 Italian

Re and Scotti – eventual final 400 men: 04.35 Italian

Folorunso, Olivieri and Sartori – eventual final 400 obstacles women: 04.50 Italians

Saturday 23 July: the Italians in the race
Di Lazzaro – women’s 110 hurdles heats: 20.20 Italians

Iapichino – women’s long jump qualification: 9.00 pm Italian

Italy – 4 × 400 women’s heats: 02.10 Italian

Italy – 4 × 400 men’s heats: 02.40 Italian

Bocchi, Dallavalle and Ihemeje – eventual final triple jump men: 03.00 Italian

Tecuceanu – eventual final 800 men: 03.10 Italian

Italy – eventual 4 × 100 women’s final: 04.30 Italian

Italy – eventual final 4 × 100 men: 04.50 Italian

Sunday 24th July: the Italians in the race
Agrusti and Stano – 35 km walk: 3.15 pm Italian

Di Lazzaro – eventual semifinal 110 obstacles women: 02.05 Italians

Iapichino – eventual final long jump women: 02.50 Italian

Bellò – eventual final 800 women: 03.35 Italian

Di Lazzaro – eventual final 110 obstacles women: 04.00 Italians

Italy – eventual final 4 × 400 men: 04.35 Italian

Italy – eventual final 4 × 400 women: 04.50 Italians


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