VIDEO. American basketball star Brittney Griner faces ten years in prison in Russia

Double gold medalist and American basketball player Brittney Griner faces ten years in prison in Russia for drug trafficking. She was arrested on February 17, 2022, at Moscow-Sheremetyevo airport, for possessing cannabis oil for her electronic cigarette, which is illegal in the country. She pleaded guilty to those charges and is now calling for help.

“We will do everything in our power to bring Brittney Griner back safe and sound,” said Karine Jean-Pierre, White House spokeswoman. The basketball star wrote to President Joe Biden in a letter begging him to release her: “I’m terrified,” she wrote. She had joined Russian club UMMC Yekaterinburg since 2015.

The case has increased tensions between Moscow and Washington, who accuse each other of detaining their respective nationals for political purposes. The US government is considering an exchange of detainees with Russia to obtain the sportswoman’s release. “Let’s make this government know that they have our support to do whatever is necessary and that we will never be silent until she comes home safe and sound,” said Cherelle Griner, wife of the basketball player.


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