“Poole Party” planned throughout the summer

Revelation of the year for the Warriors with 18 points, 4 assists and 3 rebounds on average, mainly off the bench, Jordan Poole blew hot and cold on these playoffs.

But with 17 points, 4 assists and 3 rebounds on average, all at 51% success, including 39% behind the arc, his contribution was nonetheless essential to go and conquer this new title, in Boston (103- 90).

“That’s why we play basketball!” To change the lives of our family and win at the highest level. It’s really remarkable to be part of such a special group and win the title.” he savored in his post-match press conference. « I will probably take some time to reflect, relax, rest. Because it will last all summer: “Poole Party” all summer long! »

Completely unleashed in the first round against Denver, with 30, 29 then 27 points for three victories for the Warriors who won easily in five games, Jordan Poole certainly lost influence as the level rose. But his hot shots hurt the Celtics very badly in the last three games of the Final.

He may have tipped Game 4 (and the series?) with his 14 points in 14 minutes, including this 3-pointer at the buzzer in the third quarter that broke Boston’s momentum. Jordan Poole is the prototype of the highly flammable scorer off the bench, a walking firecracker necessary for every team.

“To have this mentality and so much talent, it’s a rare combination”

It must be said that he learned from the best. In this case, Stephen Curry but also Klay Thompson, who took care of the young player who passed through the G-League.

“When he was injured at the start of the season, I was able to step into that role and show what I was capable of. I kind of took over the interim. We started with 18 wins and 2 losses and it just showed our level of talent. But [Klay] taught me so much. He took me under his wing and, between training sessions and our discussions in the locker room or on the phone, he opened up and welcomed me with open arms. He taught me the tricks of the trade and I am grateful to him. »

The hatching of Jordan Poole has done a lot of good for the “Splash Brothers”, even if he is still a young player, at only 22 years old. His passion and his lack of experience have sometimes played tricks on him in the playoffs.

Even if he will have to progress in defense, we understand that Golden State is ready to break the bank for him. Because his ability to return crazy shots, which ignite the public, makes him an ideal relay to the Curry – Thompson duo. Being able to draw at any distance, he entered the mold perfectly.

“All the guys on the team are selfless, up and down the food chain. Everyone knows how to stay humble, we want each other’s success, and we just want to win games. To have that mentality and that much talent is a rare combination. We fight for each other every game. It shows how connected and united the team is. It’s easy to play with guys you get along with. I’m super happy to have made it through with this very, very, very special band. »

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