The long yellow-blue bridge – Travel diary

MedicOur humanitarian trip started at 19.00 on Friday 20 May with destination Medyka, the last village of confine between Poland and Ukraine. 1,500 kilometers of stars, lightning, glare, rain, clouds and a pleasant spring sun.

But how big you are Europa? How beautiful are you? But how unhappy and worried are you right now?

On the way we met and became familiar with young driving other vans of various associations, decorated in yellow and blue, carrying their load of humanitarian aid. Long live the young people and long live the volunteering …


We arrived at noon on Saturday 21 May with our support of solidarity and closeness, hoping that so much generosity of the Italian friends will help the Ukrainian friends not to feel alone. At the border to Ukraine, a queue very long of vehicles with men at the wheel that they brought in safety their families and now they return to stick up for their homeland.

Now we are here in front of that shopping center that we have seen so many times on television, a reference for many people who want to escape the horror of war. The former shops are now cameroni for use by many families; on the outside one tent city; then an improvised kindergarten with recycled things, an ice cream maker like our 3Valli who dispenses e gives fresh ice cream, stand of volunteers who prepare hot food for everyone, children who play and mothers who do they try hard to smile, old people bewildered but proud of their country.

I got excited and cried to see so much unhappiness but so much dignity… We are waiting for the Polish volunteers who have made themselves available to find someone who wants to take advantage of the Paganella van to come to Italy. Away from this cursed war but with the hope of being able to return to the beloved country soon. There are elderly people, children and women who are patiently and resignedly “staying” in this center.

Let’s go home

What sadness and what anger. Massimo and I take advantage of it while we wait rest a few moments. 16.00: we are introduced five passengers: grandmother, mother and three children (two children and a girl) who scrutinize us legitimately hesitation because they don’t know us and are rightly worried.

With a smile and a “high five” we break the ice. We load some suitcases on our van with a few things but with a lot hopes to be able to find a less precarious accommodation.

17.00: we leave for ours hospitable Italy. Hello Ukraine, you will return more beautiful than ever. The return journey is slower. Fatigue is felt and you have to respect the need of our guests on board. After another long night of travel, this time under the protection of the stars, we returned to our homes. Tired but convinced that these humanitarian works could be done without if those who administer us had the responsibility and the wisdom to govern for the good of their people and not for second and personal ends.

We made few photographs because there is nothing to remember and for respect of the dignity of these people who are in suffering. A big thank you ???? ???? to those who shared and contributed to the success of this trip.


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