Rimi together with Olympic champions in 3×3 basketball have gathered tips on motivation, mental health and nutrition – Market News


During the annual Olympic Month, organized by the Latvian Olympic Committee (LOC) and taking place this year from March 29 to April 19, Rimi together with the Olympic champions in 3×3 basketball and Renārs Zeltiņš have prepared inspiring and motivating tips on how to become Olympic and at the same time become Olympic. calm mind. The Olympic Councils are combined with special sports and healthy challenges on the platform www.rimiolimpiskiepadomi.lv, in which everyone is invited to participate, participating in the prize draw every week.

“A healthy lifestyle, like healthy choices, needs to be addressed every day. Even small steps lead to big changes, so every spring we invite everyone to get involved in sports activities and acquire new, healthy habits. This year, in three weeks, we will talk about three important topics – emotions, sports and nutrition, because a quality life requires a solid foundation in all these areas. In order to give these three weeks an Olympic spark, together with the Olympic champions in 3×3 basketball and Renārs Zeltiņš, we have also prepared exciting challenges that will be possible for both young people and supporters of active lifestyles, as well as families with children and active seniors, ”says Juris Schleier.

Every day on the website rimiolimpiskiepadomi.lv there will be a new video on one of the three broad topics – emotions, sports and nutrition. These videos will provide valuable advice and insights into the need for physical activity at home and outdoors, the importance of quality sleep and emotional health, etc., and the challenges of sport. Watch videos, accept challenges, publish your photos with weekly themes and receive inspiring prizes!

How to take care of your mental health? How to focus and reach the top in a targeted way? What emotions does sport give? And what do champions eat? The Latvian “golden guys”, Olympic champions in 3×3 basketball, will answer these and other questions in the video tips. They will take part in Renārs Zeltins’ sports challenges, tell about sports and other important things, reveal a real champion’s breakfast recipe and even show you how to cook it!

“It is in human nature – from time to time there is laziness or fatigue. If this happens, you need to smile first. A smile costs nothing, gives positive energy, and a person becomes more motivated. Because it all starts with yourself, your self-motivation. Second, get up, move and enjoy being able to do what you want. And then act! ” Raimonds Feldmanis, the head coach of the Riga 3×3 team, reveals the recipe for how to get it when you don’t want anything.

Rimi is looking for Olympic advice here: https://rimiolimpiskiepadomi.lv

Rimi Latvia


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