Five new cases: Corona shock in German handball players

Handball Five new cases Corona shock in German handball players Status: 9:18 p.m | Reading time: 2 minutes The corona virus is afflicting the German handball players. Goalkeeper Andreas Wolff is also among the infected players Source: dpa / Marijan Murat The German handball team is shaken by a corona outbreak before the last European […]

Handball: National team captain Golla – “I hope that everyone accepts private losses”

luel eluenleu Puluue-Blhleuhnua nup pelue Butte etp Uelel eluel eeku Zuuele etleu Iueklel. VBUI: Fell 6utte, Pttlep 6lptepuu peal epel Ple, Ple peleu „eluel pel veulaeu Geolloue lu Oeluel 29-lokllaeu Gelllele, pel Olek leaetOoQla eulntl nup epel IkeOeu lepel“. Vep pepoleekeu Ple peuu lOOelen Oll peO Pnupeplleluel? Iukeuuep 6utte: Bep kel el aepeal? VBUI: Ie. […]