Vendée Globe: suspected of cheating after a denunciation, Clarisse Crémer cleared

Clarisse Crémer can breathe. The French skipper, accused of cheating during the 2020-2021 Vendée Globe, has been cleared. After auditioning her on Saturday, the international jury, chaired by George Priol, delivered its verdict this Monday morning. The 34-year-old sailor escaped without any sanction. She risked a warning, or even disqualification from the last Vendée Globe in which she finished twelfth.

The skipper was accused of having exchanged weather information with her companion, Tanguy Le Turquais, during the last edition of the Vendée Globe. What the regulations prohibit since each participant “undertakes to sail alone, to face all events alone”.

An anonymous email at the origin of the investigation

On February 11, the French Sailing Federation (FFV) received an anonymous email in which Clarisse Crémer was accused of having cheated. Screenshots of his discussions with Tanguy the Turquais had been attached. His companion, also a skipper, did not participate in this edition of the Vendée Globe.

The Frenchwoman defended herself on her Instagram account: “I never cheated, I never had any desire to break a rule during this 87-day world tour. During these exchanges, which essentially concern the intimacy of a couple, Tanguy never gives me the slightest information that I do not already have. No conversation with him contributed to me changing course or making a strategic choice that would have had an impact on my race. » The jury agreed with him.



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