Monza-Roma (1-4) – Scattered Considerations

In Monza De Rossi’s Roma continues to run, confirming its extraordinary growth.

In a performance that smacks of a show of strength, Roma crushes Monza with impressive nonchalance, fresh from an excellent period of form. Djuric’s initial post seemed to want to launch the Brianza team’s hopes, which however were quickly lost in the opponent’s web; after the danger escaped, Ndicka took the measures of the Serbian center forward well, depriving Monza of their shortcut to move up the pitch and exacerbating their difficulties on the way out. Roma took control of the operations quite quickly, managing the ball and playing time with patience while waiting for the deadly 1-2 scored by Pellegrini and Lukaku which led to the practice being put on hold after just 45′.

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Strengthened by a quiet position in the rankings, much closer to the Europe zone than to the salvation zone, Palladino is working to change the skin of his Monza, with the desire to increase the range of offensive solutions. After Gagliardini’s (not exciting) experiment at the center of defense to increase the quality of the low construction, in the last few days the team has steadily moved to 4. If on the one hand the search for flank chains – especially the right one where a Colpani at the Dybala it was centralized to leave space for Birindelli’s gallops – it worked and at times created difficulties for the opposing defence, on the other hand the lower density in the central area allowed Roma to thrive in tight combinations between its higher quality players.

It is no coincidence that in the second half Monza returns to 3 and tries to reopen the game against a more cautious Roma. De Rossi senses the danger and replicates his colleague’s tactical change with the entry of Smalling. From that moment the Giallorossi found balance and distances went smoothly, first finding Dybala’s gem and then the seal of a Paredes galvanized by his newfound centrality. Once again, the performance of captain Lorenzo Pellegrini was impressive; it is certainly not surprising to note that, since he was brought back into a context that enhances his qualities with the ball, he has scored 5 goals and 3 assists in the last 9 games.

De Rossi probably lined up the best 11 available in this Monza-Roma, without already thinking about Brighton, and the choice paid off for him. In a team that already seems to have well-oiled mechanisms, today there has also been a marked growth in construction from the bottom, embellished by Mancini’s progressive advances and by the occult directorial qualities of Angelino. If Lukaku’s performance, invaluable in working with his back to goal to open up space for his teammates, was finally positive, the performance of his substitute deserves a special mention Literacy: ended up almost on the sidelines, the impeccable performance he provided this afternoon in his moment of need is the clearest testimony that at this moment all the players feel involved and participate in the destinies of the team.

On January 16, Roma was a team on the verge of a nervous breakdown, with an embarrassing points average (29 in 20 games), full of disheartened players and apparently unable to play purposeful football. It’s impressive how Daniele De Rossi managed to overturn this picture in just a month and a half, in which there were 6 victories out of 7 championship matches, the relaunch of the team for a place in the Champions League which seemed like a mirage, the passage of the round in the Europa League and in general many convincing performances. What is most striking is that the team plays radically different football from the past, with many new players (Pellegrini and Paredes above all); Both the speed with which the new principles have been absorbed and the confidence with which they are put into practice cannot fail to be noticed. Roma today seems like a textbook case to annoy supporters of the theory that the coach and ideas have little impact on the destinies of a team.

2024-03-02 19:26:16
#MonzaRoma #Scattered #Considerations



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