the gauge for the opening ceremony revised downwards, to around 300,000 spectators – Libération

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin mentioned in October 2022 the possible presence of “600,000 spectators” along the Seine.

A figure revised significantly downwards. The number of spectators who will be able to attend the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games on July 26 on the banks of the Seine is “around 300,000”, declared this Wednesday January 31 Gérald Darmanin.

“The idea is that there are 100,000 people on the lower platforms”, with paid tickets, and “more than 220,000 people on the high platforms”, with free tickets, “and then after There are all those who live and who will be able to rent, have evenings along the Seine,” the Minister of the Interior detailed on France 2. Gérald Darmanin announced in October 2022 to the Senate “600,000 spectators”, including 500,000 on the high quays.

More information to come.



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