Charleroi Faces Financial Losses: The Impact on Belgian Professional Football

In recent years, a lot of concern has been expressed about the financial situation of Belgian professional football. Many clubs record red figures year after year and only survive by the grace of investors. One of the few clubs that could always present a positive balance sheet was Charleroi. However, that is now also changing.

The Carolos were able to present green figures for nine years in a row, but the 2022/23 financial year resulted in a loss of 6.7 million euros. This is evident from the club’s annual accounts, which were published by the National Bank.

Charleroi records losses of millions

That figure seems particularly heavy, but nevertheless there is no need to panic at Mambourg. After all, Charleroi still has an equity of 11.5 million euros and the loss is also partly due to the fact that the debt mountain was reduced from 12.7 million euros to 9.8 million.

The loss does have sporting consequences for Charleroi, because… Sudpresse knows that the club will have to sell players. Due to the arrival of American investor David Helmer, who pumped 6 million euros into the club, this does not necessarily have to happen in January, but Charleroi will have to pass the cash register before June 30.

Charleroi has to sell players

In the coming months, Charleroi may try to cash in on players like Adem Zorgane and Ken Nkuba. The latter’s departure was actually planned for last summer, but a serious knee injury in a practice match after the end of the regular competition threw a spanner in the works.

As a result, Charleroi missed out on several million, which helps explain the red figures. After that, strong man Mehdi Bayat chose not to sell a player at any price in order to be able to end the year without a loss. But that will have to be compensated in the coming months.

2024-01-02 22:02:00
#Sellout #Charleroi #millions #losses



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