Today’s horoscope: These 4 zodiac signs find baseball caps sexy

Whether put on correctly or backwards – baseball caps not only look sporty, but also have an extremely erotic effect on many contemporaries. Although they were originally only intended to protect against the sun, the snappy hats surround their wearer with a touch of promising coolness. It is therefore not surprising that some feel drawn to it. The following 4 zodiac signs find baseball caps very sexy.

Aries (21.03. – 20.04.)

The dynamic Aries not only likes a fit, defined body, but also likes a pair of sparkling eyes peeking out from under the brim of a baseball cap. If a full head of hair peeks out from under the cap, that’s it for this zodiac sign. The wild ram now wants nothing more than to rip the cap and other things off the body of his object of desire as quickly as possible.

Video horoscope: Aries zodiac sign

Sagittarius (11/23 – 12/21)

The curious Sagittarius also likes the sexy nonchalance that a baseball cap exudes. Then this zodiac sign goes into conquest mode and desperately wants to find out who is hiding under the cap. It almost reminds the active shooter of Christmas when he can finally take his crush’s baseball cap off his head so that he can kiss him undisturbed. From this point on, the hat has had its day.

Gemini (05/21 – 06/21)

The cheerful twins not only find baseball caps quite sexy, but also mysterious. They frame the face of their wearer and immediately draw the gaze to the eye party, which not only erotically attracts this zodiac sign, but also invites you to flirt. Once in bed, the lively twins have a lot of fun picking up the hat and tossing it on a cupboard, shelf or clothes rack.

Aquarius (21.01. – 19.02.)

The witty Aquarius also loves it when it comes to eroticism. So this zodiac sign feels attracted to people who catch his eye with their sexy baseball cap. The original Aquarius was particularly taken with the hat when a bobbing ponytail or braid was threaded through its back buckle. For him, this is an invitation to come closer and let his seduction skills play.



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