Sandra Ygueravide, the Spanish number 1 in the world in 3×3 basketball

The basketball player Sandra Ygueravide, who until a year ago competed in the traditional mode (5×5), decided to try on 2016 the discipline 3×3 after a mental block. Since then, she has become a passion of such magnitude that she is already number one in the world ranking.

If both modalities are compared, there are great differences, from the number of people who face each other to the size of the field or the times of possession, Sandra that’s how he feels: “It’s all very different, 3×3 is somewhat frenetic, a very physical modality where the contact is constant and the plays are much faster and more intense”.

The times are different, with possessions of 12 instead of 24 seconds Sandra notices the difference: “I combine both modalities and as long as my physique allows me I will continue with both, in 3×3 the physical demand is greater because if you stop to think They have scored another basket, and when you return to 5×5 you feel that you have too many people and you lack space”.

The Valencian, who was a player of the Ros Casares and who already has national and international titles, now plays for the Gallic team ‘Villenueve d’Ascq’ and he will have to combine it with his new project, Girona, captained by the former star of the NBA Marc Gasol.

He also believes that for the spectator, 3v3 matches are much more attractive, even for the new generations, thanks to the fact that they do not last for two hours like traditional ones and are much more dynamic.

Now, the number one has clear objectives since despite falling in the pre-Olympic, they have qualified for the 2024 World Cup: “We want to be on the podium, do well in the 2024 World Cup and hopefully in the future we will be Olympians” In addition, he is clear about which of the two modalities he would put before the other since it is his true passion: “If it is already difficult to live alone of the 5×5 in the feminine, in the 3×3 it is even more so, however if I could I would leave everything for it”.



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