
Windy Nièvre Archery Championships

La Charite-sur-Loire. 58 Archery Championship. Eleven clubs and forty archers met on Sunday, May 21, at the rugby stadium, to compete

A leisure area designed for everyone

Chaulgnes. Final inauguration of the recreation area. Mayor Sébastien Clémençon and his team had invited many elected officials to attend the

A rich season for Charitois archers

La Charite-sur-Loire. USC Archery General Assembly. The archers of the Charitoise Sports Union Archery met Friday, January 6 for their general

Handisport archery is open to all

La Charite-sur-Loire. Disabled archery competition. Regularly, the disabled sports section of the Union sportive charitoise (USC) organizes competitions open to all.
