Gonzalo Castillo Sports Center They are hitting badminton! IPD | SPORTS

Gonzalo Castillo Sports Center They are hitting badminton! IPD | SPORTS
Fernando ‘Vocha’ Dávila

Sports should always be synonymous with order, discipline and brotherhood, but there is one in particular where things are not going as they should and even the Peruvian Sports Institute seems to intervene. Gonzalo CastilloPresident of the Peruvian Sports Federation of Badminton, has filed a worrying complaint. He specified that the board of directors of his organization set a date for the elections to elect those who will succeed them in office for the period 2025 – 2028. ‘The statutes indicate that the power to determine the day of the elections falls on us and it was agreed that it would be December 17,’ he explained.

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But the Electoral Committee, which is made up of Marco La Jaranext to Rafael Parra Perea y Percy Alacheare not respecting that decision, hindering the process and have even encouraged themselves to make their own call and appoint their own directors, which has been rejected by the current leaders and they have sent their letter of protest to the IDP itself.

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And through a statement, they ignore those designated by the electoral body and remove any type of validity for not acting in accordance with what the statutes indicate.



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