The Federal Basketball League promotes zero tolerance towards violence in sports

Given the recent acts of violence in the Federal Basketball League, the organization warns that drastic measures will be taken to guarantee the safety of the participants and the general public.

The Federal Basketball League, committed to sportsmanship and fair play, has taken a strong stance against violence in its competitions. Article 47 of the regulations, which authorizes the HTD (Honorable Disciplinary Tribunal) to take provisional measures of closure or category suspension, has been applied to those clubs whose players, technical assistants, members, supporters or managers have been responsible for incidents that have led to the interruption of matches, both as home and away.

In line with this line of action, the HTD may also make provisional suspension decisions towards players, technical directors, technical assistants, spectators and any other person mentioned in the disciplinary code, in cases of attacks on players, referees, coaches or other members. from the control table. These measures will be applied according to the seriousness of the facts reported and through substantiated resolutions of the Disciplinary Tribunal.

It is important to highlight that, although sanctions have already been applied to the offending clubs, the tolerance towards acts of violence will continue to be null by the Federal Basketball League. The organization makes it clear that more severe measures will be taken in future cases, including the possibility of playing games without an audience or the temporary closure of stadiums. The safety and well-being of players and fans are an absolute priority for the League. The organization makes it clear that drastic measures have been taken in previous cases, such as holding matches without an audience, with the aim of guaranteeing the safety and well-being of players and supporters. The disciplinary court warns that, in extremely serious cases, it will not hesitate to take even more severe actions to preserve the integrity and tranquility of sporting events. The safety of the participants and the public continues to be an absolute priority in all events organized by the Federal Basketball League.

Likewise, the Federal Basketball League informs that modifications have been made in the obligations related to the police personnel present in the matches. Each club must assess in a particular way the security needs in their meetings, always under the concept of zero tolerance towards violence. The organization will promote and support these evaluations, seeking to establish safe environments for the practice of sports and the enjoyment of its fans.

In conclusion, the Federal Basketball League reaffirms its commitment to the values ​​of sport, strongly repudiating the acts of violence that occurred in its competitions. Through exemplary sanctions and drastic measures, it seeks to preserve integrity and sportsmanship in each match. La Liga urges clubs, players and fans to actively collaborate in building a safe and violence-free environment, where basketball is the undisputed protagonist.

2023-05-28 17:22:36
#Federal #Basketball #League #promotes #tolerance #violence #sports


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