Test your performance with these simple exercises

Endurance, mobility, stability, strength and coordination: Physical fitness has several facets.
Image: FAZ

What if the former astral body no longer gives the feeling of being in the best condition? The joints look rusty, the circulation sluggish? Cross your heart and give it a try: These exercises provide information about your own fitness.

Rout of the booth, into the park, into the forest, onto the meadow, into the lake. Jogging, cycling, swimming, table football or tennis, dancing and jumping – only one question stands in the way of the fresh desire to move: How fit am I actually (still)?

Here is the answer, made easy for everyone with a simple test, without expensive devices, at home, privately. And nobody is watching.

The experts consulted warn that the fitness question cannot be answered in general, because a weightlifter who lifts a 180-kilogram barbell requires a different level of fitness than the numerous cyclists who competed on May 1st at the Eschborn– Frankfurt climbed the Feldberg. But we should all be fit, that makes everyday life easier. And be it only on the stairway to the first floor.


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