“Archery” lesson The students of Arcidosso also attend unusual courses

In addition to studying, students who live in a boarding school in Arcidosso have the opportunity to practice many sports, but one that is difficult to find in other boarding schools is archery. Thanks to the three-year relationship between the boarding school and the company of archers of Santa Fiora, this year around 20 students who live at the boarding school in Arcidosso were able to follow the shooting course with the historical arc. The lessons took place inside the school gym (Arcidosso) and will end next week. In short, small archers are growing up and the Compagnia di Santa Fiora’s dream is to be able to include them within the group, then starting them in the competitions that the same company contests throughout the year around Tuscany. “We have been practicing this activity for over ten years – comments Franco Cicaloni, president and archer of the company – we have come to play regional championships and on June 11th in Santa Fiora we will host the Torneo dei Castelli, our company will challenge Pisa, Scansano, Massa Marittima and Lari”. The experts of the Company teach the youngsters discipline and shooting techniques. “This type of bow is very difficult to use – he continues – it takes a lot of training and also a lot of passion”. The company was born with the desire to recall the traditions of the area and if this discipline has come down to the present day it is thanks to the work of many archers who have never abandoned this discipline, handing it down from generation to generation. “We have seen that there are young talents within the group of students and we would like to cultivate their passion for this discipline – he concludes -. The hope is that the flame of passion will not go out”. Behind the competitions there is an Italian historical archery federation which organizes competitions in the most historic villages of Italy and among these is Santa Fiora. For the village of Amiata, the most spectacular event takes place at the end of July, on the occasion of the festival dedicated to the two patron saints Flora and Lucilla. It is in the afternoon of this day that the third parties of Santa Fiora challenge each other in the “Palio delle Sante”, a thrilling archery competition. Nicola Ciuffoletti

2023-05-28 05:22:07
#Archery #lesson #students #Arcidosso #attend #unusual #courses


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