Rui Pinto’s aim also points to Ronaldo – Football Leaks

With this book you will get to know how the computer siege was made

• Photo: Lusa

Returning to the title of the book, the author did not choose the word ‘world’ lightly. It did so because Football Leaks ‘played’ in many countries, in many clubs – like the giants Real Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Man. City or – PSG –, in very powerful institutions like UEFA and FIFA and in almost untouchable figures.

Like Cristiano Ronaldo. With this book, you will learn how the computer siege of Cristiano Ronaldo was carried out, which allowed revelations about the business of the captain of the National Team and about the accusation of rape by Kathryn Mayorga, as well as what led to the filing of the process in the United States of America.

Eduardo Dâmaso, Deputy General Editorial Director of Correio da Manhã/CMTV, wrote the Preface to this book and believes that it “becomes a kind of Bible on an overwhelming theme, not only for football, but mainly for the State and the justice”.

This is because it is also revealed how the hacker Rui Pinto had access to the emails of judges, prosecutors and ministry officials and violated the private correspondence of law firms, while negotiating collaboration with French justice.

Returning to the title of the book, the author did not choose the word ‘world’ lightly. It did so because Football Leaks ‘played’ in many countries, in many clubs – like the giants Real Madrid,…

By Pedro Filipe Pinto


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