step by step, how to buy at Deportick and how much they are

A few seconds after the sale process began, the number already exceeded the 50,000 available to see the National Team by several figures.

The anxiety began as soon as it was confirmed when the first match of the world champion team in Qatar would be, it worsened a few hours ago when the values ​​of the tickets for the duel between Argentina y Panama on Thursday 23 at the Monumental and exploded when the purchase was enabled this Thursday on the web Deportickwhere the locations are running out second by second.

The F5 started early on the portal that debuts in the sale of tickets for a National Team match, despite the fact that prices fluctuated between 12 thousand and 49 thousand pesos.


News in Development

Users have already begun to appear who say that they managed to buy more than one ticket and sell it.

Almost an hour and a half after the start of the sale, the news arrives from the first users who managed to obtain a ticket to see the first match of the National Team after the title in Qatar.

The advance of the small ballthe ultimate illusion

While many are in the same place where they entered the virtual queue, a handful of lucky ones see how the ball advances on the journey towards the long-awaited moment of getting a ticket.

The progress of the ball, the illusion of some who wait for a ticket to see the National Team.

Waiting for the “sold out” sign

After more than an hour of virtual queue, Twitter users begin to wonder if there are still tickets for Argentina-Panama.

“Could anyone buy?”

The question that is most repeated among users of social networks is to find out if, after almost an hour in the virtual queue, someone managed to get a ticket for the match between Argentina and Panama on March 23.

The irony of Mono Navarro Montoya: “I have more chances to play again in Boca”

Those who wait for their place in the virtual queue say that they do not advance. Others also report that by upgrading, they lose their place and have to start over when there are more than a million people online to get a ticket.

The website where tickets are sold, top trend on Twitter Argentina

Deportick is TT, while the hashtag #EntradasArgentina appears in second place on the social network.

Ticket prices for Argentina-Panama

Those who are lucky enough to enter to buy a ticket must pay between 12,000 and 49,000 pesos. Here are the prices for all locations:

General: $12.000
Less than popular (up to 10 years): $7,000
Sívori and Centenaria Media: $24,000
San Martín and Belgrano Alta: $24,000
San Martín and Belgrano Baja: $48,000
​San Martín and Belgrano Media: $49,000

The meme show, a classic of the networks

Those who already know that they will not have their ticket begin to take the situation with a little humor. And the meme show is a good way to cope with the frustration of not being able to see Messi and the Scaleneta live.

Social networks are becoming the place where thousands of users talk about their experience with Deportick, the platform chosen to sell tickets. Some claim to be close to the top positions but the virtual queue “does not advance”.

More than a million people lined up to buy tickets

The anxiety began as soon as it was confirmed when the first game of the world champion team would be in Qatar, it worsened a few hours ago when the values ​​of the tickets for the duel between Argentina and Panama on Thursday 23 at the Monumental were confirmed and it exploded when enabled the purchase this Thursday on the Deportick website, where seats are running out second by second.

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