Eintracht ultras sow chaos in the center of Naples

Just three hours before the start of the second leg of the Champions League round of 16, close to 600 fans of the unity who have traveled to Naplesdespite not being able to access the stadium, they have caused riots and sowed chaos in the historic center of the Italian city.

The ‘ultra’ faction of the German team has confronted the police who have been escorting them since this morning, an operation of some 800 agents who have not been able to avoid attacking local businesses and They even set a police car on fire and garbage containers. there was also clashes with the radical faction of Napoliwho threw stones and bottles at the buses, breaking the window of one of them, which were taking the Germans from Piazza del Gesù Nuovo, in the historic center of Naples where the events took place, to the hotels where they are staying local media reported.

The Italian authorities have calmed down the clashes and their goal is now to keep the area around the Diego Armando Maradona Stadium quiet, where there have been no signs of violence so far.

The tension for the match began in the first leg, in which riots already took place in the center of the city. For this reason, the Government Delegate of Naples prohibited this Sunday the sale of tickets to German fans residing in Frankfurt. A decision that did not please a Tedesco club that has already issued a press release against the measure and that has not prevented numerous fans from coming to the southern Italian city.

Eintracht returned to Naples this Tuesday night the 2,400 tickets that would have corresponded to it for sale in the visiting sector of the Diego Armando Maradona Stadium, which will remain closed.

Despite the prohibitions, it is expected that more ‘ultra’ fans will arrive with tickets they have obtained through third parties, some thanks to the alliance between the German team and Atalanta, and that infiltrate the stadium as local fans.


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