
Does Merlina have a boyfriend? Jenna Ortega would be dating an NBA star (PHOTO) – Fox Sports

Jenna OrtegaAmerican actress who gave life to Merlin in the series’Wednesday’ from Netflix, it seems that it would be starting a relationshipbecause rumors suggest that he goes out with a nba stara moment that was captured in a postal.

Behind the success this serieand that it became viral in social networks for its peculiar bailefans closely follow every action of Jenna Ortegathat is why it is being linked with a player of the Phoenix Sunsalthough ojo, it’s a rumorbut not an official fact.

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Who would Jenna Ortega be dating?

According to international media information, in recent days he was seen at actress ‘very well accompanied’, because they captured it hand in hand with one of the players referents of the Phoenix Suns: Devin Booker.

As they point out, both characters iban walking on the street, after ‘a romantic date in a restaurant’, a moment they captured in a Photography and where both were noticed ‘happy’.

Weighs it peculiar this Photothere is a slight polemic that his followers do not like it at all, because Devin Booker supposedly was coming out with the model Kendall Jenneralthough in the last days to ella he was calling con Bad Bunny.

He player of the Suns has been related con Kendall Jenner and others personalities of the world of showsso being caught with Jenna Ortega gender surprisealthough also somewhat controversial.

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At the moment neither the player from NBA not even actress that gave life to Merlin have spoken about itso this possible relationship you have to take it for what it is rumor.


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